Browsers 板


官方版本127.0預計在 2024年06月11日(美國時間) 台灣時間06月11日~06月12日 更新 126.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue with reading tagged PDF documents in a screen reader. (Bug 1894849) Fixed not displaying localized text for non-en-US locales in the Crash Reporter dialog box on macOS. (Bug 1896097) Fixed issues with drag-and-drop functionality on Linux. (Bug 1897115) Fixed an issue causing high GPU memory usage on certain versions of AMD cards. (Bug 1897006) 126.0 release note New︰ The Copy Without Site Tracking option can now remove parameters from nested URLs. It also includes expanded support for blocking over 300 tracking parameters from copied links, including those from major shopping websites. Keep those trackers away when sharing links!
Firefox now supports Content-encoding: zstd (zstandard compression). This is an alternative to broti and gzip compression for web content, and can provide higher compression levels for the same CPU used, or conversely lower server CPU use to get the same compression. This is heavily used on sites such as Facebook. Catalan is now available in Firefox Translations. Enabled AV1 hardware decode acceleration on macOS for M3 Macs. Telemetry was added to create an aggregate count of searches by category to broadly inform search feature development. These categories are based on 20 high-level content types, such as "sports,” "business," and "travel". This data will not be associated with specific users and will be collected using OHTTP to remove IP addresses as potentially identifying metadata. No profiling will be performed, and no data will be shared with third parties. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Changed︰ The URL Paste Suggestion feature added in Fx125 was temporarily disabled while the team investigates a potential performance issue. The feature will be re-enabled in a future release once the performance issue is addressed. Enterprise Developer︰ Added an option to disable/enable the Developer Tools' split console feature. Web Platform︰ Implemented URL.parse(). Unlike the URL constructor, which throws when parsing fails, the static URL.parse() method returns null instead. The CSS zoom property has been enabled by default following a lot of web compatibility and standardization work in the CSSWG. Added support for CSS Custom :state() and CustomStateSet pseudo-classes. Added support for Screen Wake Lock API. Added support for IDBFactory.databases for enumeration of IndexedDB databases. -- --
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1F:推 if4: 推 05/14 22:07
2F:推 mjsg: 推 05/15 08:00
3F:推 kc1446: 推 05/15 16:52
4F:→ rick: 有人知道如何關閉相同網址的分頁嗎? 擴充功能or腳本皆可 05/16 21:09
5F:→ rick: 滑鼠中鍵有點問題 有時候會按一下開啟好幾個一樣的 05/16 21:09
6F:推 mjsg: 我搜了下有兩三個,我是用這個。 05/17 07:54
7F:→ mjsg: 可以設定成自動關閉重複的或列出來讓你手動關。 05/17 07:55
8F:推 mjsg: 考慮到四年沒更新了,或許也可以換一 05/17 08:03
9F:→ mjsg: 下,關鍵字是 duplicate tabs 05/17 08:03
10F:→ rick: @mjsg 感謝您 ^^ 晚上試試看 05/17 13:11
11F:→ rick: 上x有問題 05/17 13:58
12F:→ wxtab019: 更新完後x的通知功能也壞了 整個消失 05/18 17:45
13F:→ rick: iOS 126.1 05/18 18:32
14F:→ kc1446: 126.0.1已... 05/28 16:07
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 05/28/2024 22:55:51
15F:→ rick: 哭? XD 05/28 23:08
16F:推 if4: 可是需要多開的場合就暫時不要用了 XD 05/29 02:44
17F:→ rick: android 126.0.1 ??? 05/29 21:37
18F:→ DavisX: iOS 126.2 05/30 08:36
19F:→ rick: 蝦皮跟dcard會出現頁面錯誤 完全沒辦法看 125就這樣 05/31 20:54
20F:→ DavisX: 蝦皮沒事 05/31 21:11
21F:→ rick: sorry 結果我清除cookies後 就可以正常瀏覽了 Orz 05/31 23:36

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