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1F:推 kawa0710 :巴哈有全語音翻譯,搜尋[LOL英雄語音翻譯]06/28 18:27
2F:推 aculirose :#1CpadeGJ 有點舊了06/28 19:49
將近兩年前(驚)安薩有翻過一些,也可以看看喔~ 以下建議用 Page Down 觀看,點網址會連到 LoL Wiki 的原始頁面, 大部分可以聽到原音,有一些還可以下載喔:
檔案是 ogg 檔,要轉檔再去找轉檔軟體吧,轉檔軟體很好找的。 ──────────────────────────────────────── Ahri 阿璃 選角 Don't you trust me? 攻擊 Play time's over. / They're mine now. / It's too late for mercy. Let's have some real fun. / No one will stand in my way. They've exhausted their use. 移動 Shall we? / Indulge me. / How tempting. / Don't hold back. Tell me a secret. / Don't you trust me? / I know what they desire. 嘲諷 Should I make your pulse rise? Or...STOP! (giggles) 笑話 If you'd like to play with me, you'd better be sure you know the game. Come try your luck, if you think you're in my league. (giggles) ──────────────────────────────────────── Akali 阿卡莉 選角 As balance dictates. 攻擊 Without question. / Whatever's necessary. / Mark acquired. Another unworthy opponent. / A necessary sacrifice. Honor is the blade's edge. 移動 Deftly I travel. / Understood. / Through Twilight's veil. / Tread lightly... Agreed. / Remain focused. / Hesitation is the seed of defeat. Symmetry in all things. / We travel the same path. 嘲諷 I suggest you run... I want to savor this. 笑話 So many noobs... will matchmaking ever find true balance? ──────────────────────────────────────── Alistar 亞歷斯塔 選角 Nothing can hold me back! 移動 / 攻擊 You must follow. / Stampede! / Now I'm angry. Nothing can hold me back. / I know the way. 嘲諷 Mess with the bull and you get the horns! 笑話 You can't milk those. ──────────────────────────────────────── Amumu 阿姆姆 選角 I thought you'd never pick me. 移動 / 攻擊 Okay. / Aww. / Where are we going? / Hey, come back. Let's find some friends. / Come play with me. 嘲諷 Let me give you a hug. 笑話 Let's be friends forever. ──────────────────────────────────────── Anivia 艾妮維亞 選角 On my wings. 移動 / 攻擊 Keep cool. / I bring the storm. / In a flash. / Only for you. Understood. / As you wish. / Let's soar. 嘲諷 So young, so naive! 笑話 Laying an egg isn't as easy as it looks. ──────────────────────────────────────── Annie 安妮 選角 You wanna play too? It'll be fun! 移動 / 攻擊 Take that! / You wanna play too? It'll be fun! / Don't make me hurt you! Have you seen my bear Tibbers? / This way! / Try to keep up! 嘲諷 Beaten by a little girl... Hah! 笑話 You smell like... burning! (giggles) ──────────────────────────────────────── Ashe 艾希 選角 Smart choice! 移動 / 攻擊 Freeze! / Right between the eyes... / My aim is steady. You want some of this? / We must press on. / Agreed. / Swiftly now! 嘲諷 Take a good look. It's the last you're going to get! 笑話 No, really. Put that apple on your head! ──────────────────────────────────────── Blitzcrank 布里茨 選角 Fired up and ready to serve. 攻擊 Metal is harder than flesh. / Bone is a poor alternative. Look. You're leaking. / Your steam is escaping. Quake in fear, fleshling. / Exterminate. Exterminate. 移動 Precisely. / I remain focused. / The magic calls to me. A rolling golem gathers no rust. / As long as it takes. 嘲諷 The time of man has come to an end. 笑話 I put the 'go' in 'golem' That was humor. Other golems find that to be appropriately funny. ──────────────────────────────────────── Brand 布蘭德 選角 Ready to set the world on fire? Heheheh... 攻擊 The inferno begins. / The fires of vengeance... I purify this one! / Forged in pain! Their scars will be warning. / Some say the world will end in fire. 移動 Going. / I'm on a short fuse. / Like wildfire. / Yes... I will blaze a trail. / You can't contain me, summoner. After millennia, I am free! / This body is just one of many! I am the fire that cleanses the world!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Is that fireproof? 笑話 Is it hot in here or is it just me?! 施放天火燎原(E) Burn! Hahaha... ──────────────────────────────────────── Caitlyn 凱特琳 選角 I'm on the case. 攻擊 Got them in my sights. / Meet the long gun of the law. / Boom. Headshot. So many bad guys, so little time. / Who doesn't like being under the gun? Up for a showdown? / Sorry boys, I keep the fuzzy cuffs at home. 移動 Hot on the trail. / I love a good chase. / Don't be caught flat footing. I have the tools for the job. / Wanna see a hat trick? / Let's investigate. Time for a shakedown. / Me, miss? Not by a long shot. / Right.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Want another shot? I wouldn't want to leave things up in the air. Would you prefer the good cop, or the bad cop? 笑話 A sniper's greatest tool is precision... (Gun falls apart) and good equipment. The whole is greater than the sum of its... (Gun falls apart) parts. 施放王牌射手(R) Calibrating. / Steady... / In my sights. Nowhere to hide. / Target marked. ──────────────────────────────────────── Cassiopeia 卡莎碧雅 選角 Don't you find me... beautiful? 攻擊 Surrender to me. / Feel my embrace. / Succumb. / I strike. No mercy. / I'll take care of everything. 移動 You found me beautiful, once. / As you wish. / Say 'please'. Don't make me beg. / Of course. / Don't be coy. Tell me everything. / I'm listening. / You're no fun.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Eventually, they all come crawling back. You think I'm a freak; let me get on your level. 笑話 Let me help shuffle off your mortal coil. They say the key to beauty lies in grace and poise. What do you think? ──────────────────────────────────────── Cho'Gath 科加斯 選角 You'd wish the world you know to end! Yeeeesssss... 攻擊 You have stains upon your soul... Perfect. / Who will be eaten first? Your souls will feed the Void! / There will be no end to your suffering! You shall not escape! / You are such... hideous creatures! No! I do not live under a bed... Fool! 移動 The daylight! It burns! / For the darkness! Summoner, your darkness beckons. / Afraid of the dark...? Wise! Your races are a scourge upon the world! I shall bring them terror! / You... are a scourge upon the world.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Death is not the end for you. I have seen to it. For eternity, you are mine! 笑話 Ah, the tangled webs we weave... Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom! Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom! (spoken faster)                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 高尚仕紳 科加斯 攻擊 You, sir, are a coward and a ruffian! / You cheeky little fellow! One can survive everything nowadays, except death! I challenge you to a duel! / I like a man who grins when he fights! I'll bite your legs off! / Cake or Death? 移動 *Clears throat* Yes, good sir? / Anyone for a spot of tea? Let us fight like gentlemen! / Oh, bother! / Pip-pip! Cheerio! Anything less would be uncivilized. / What, what... What?! 嘲諷 Would you like some cheese with your whine? 笑話 It's funny isn't it? How your best friend can just blow up like that. Nom nom nom nom nom! (spoken slowly)                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 死亡 Oh no. 施放破裂(Q) Ah-Ha! / Ah-Haa! / Ah-Haaa! / Up you go! 施放野性尖嘯(W) Quiet! / Quuuuiet! 施放饗宴(R) Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom... ──────────────────────────────────────── Corki 庫奇 選角 I'm up to snuff, and gots me an ace machine! 攻擊 Delta Sierra at 12 o'clock! / Incomin'! It's a Charlie Foxtrot! / I've got a bogey on my tail! Bombs away! / Consider yourself spanked, nugget! 移動 I'm on it, blackshoe! / Speed of heat! / Another fine sortie! Now, I'm all spooled up! / Ready to fly! / Vhooom...! This is Major Tom to ground control! 嘲諷 That just goes to show you you're nothin' but a Whiskey Delta! 笑話 Lima Oscar Lima! ──────────────────────────────────────── Darius 達瑞斯 選角 They will regret opposing me. 攻擊 They will regret opposing me. / Scurry, weakling. / Death by my hand. Exploit every weakness. / Witness true strength. Unmatched power. / With overwhelming force. 移動 Carve a path. / I will not rest. / Strength above all. / Never retreat! I have my orders. / Stay alert. / Noxus will rise. / My destination is clear. I do not tolerate cowardice. / Make no mistakes.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 (spinning) Noxuuu... whoa... whoa! How does he do it? (spinning) Noxuuu... whoa... whoa! Dizzy. 笑話 Don't turn your back or expose your neck. Defy Noxus and taste your own blood. ──────────────────────────────────────── Diana 黛安娜 選角 A new moon is rising. 攻擊 This is necessary. / No more lies. / Ignorant thralls. Deny me no longer. / They leave me no choice. / Bring down the sun. 移動 I cannot turn back. / They could not break me. / I speak only truth. Follow no false light. / Dusk approaches. / They would not listen. I will be heard. / The moon also rises. / My eyes are open. Chosen of the moon. / Embrace the night.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 They called me a heretic, now they are dead. The moon will rise. The night will last forever. 笑話 A man, a woman and a yordle walk into the sun... They die. Because it burns them alive. Knock, knock. Who's there? The moon... it's far away. You were alone the whole time. 施放月隕(E) Nightfall! / Dusk! / Twilight fades! ──────────────────────────────────────── Dr. Mundo 蒙多醫生 選角 Mundo! 移動 / 攻擊 Mundo...mmm...(slurp)...smash! / Mundo too strong for you! / Rawr. Mundo will go where he pleases! (slurps) / Come to Mundo! Blah. / Mundo go this way! 嘲諷 Mundo think you a big sissy! (laughs) 笑話 Mundo say his own name a lot, or else he forget! Has happened before. 死亡 MUNDO...                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 專業經理人 蒙多醫生 攻擊 Mundo never merge! 'Mundo acquire! / Mundo send them on corporate retreat! Mundo smash like a boss! / Mundo downsize what he pleases. Mundo give beatdown in triplicate! / Time for Mundo to make cuts! Mundo outsource your FACE! 移動 Mundo never fly coach. / Mundo check his schedule. / Mundo say greed is good! Mundo upwardly mobile. / Mundo enforce corporate policy. Mundo do hostile takeover. / Mundo eat TPS report. Mundo never start in mail room. / Mundo say 'you're fired'! Mundo king of office romance!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Yahhh, Mundo going to need you to come in on Saturday. Mundo's ABC's of success: Always Be Cleaving. 笑話 PC Load Letter? What the Mundo does that mean? Mundo runs international corporation as he pleases. 施放病毒屠刀(Q) Mundo sell! / Mundo file! 施放背水一戰(R) Corporate Mundo! / Rwaaargh! Corporate Mundo! ──────────────────────────────────────── Draven 達瑞文 選角 Welcome to the League of Draven. 攻擊 Stand back. / Let's do this. / Watch and learn. / I have the best job. Hit 'em where it hurts. / Something need killin'? This is where Draven shines. / Hear that? Death's knocking. Seems to be blood everywhere I go. 移動 Smooth. / Man, I'm good. / Don't be jealous. / I've got pain to serve. Perfection? I got that. / Got axes, need victims. Now this is how to move. / Places to go, me to see. Let's admire me for a bit. / Subtle? I don't do subtle. Doesn't get better than this. / No followin' these footsteps.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Who wants some Draven? Heheheh. / Come out and play. Heheheh. 笑話 Not Draven; Draaaaven. / Draven does it all... with style! 使用回城(B)或傳送(Teleport) Draven out! / Draven's makin' an exit. 接到迴旋飛斧(Q) Too easy. / I'll take that. / Here we go. / Why, thank you! 接到敵方的迴旋飛斧(Q) Yoink. / Nice axe, I'll take it. ──────────────────────────────────────── Elise 伊莉絲 選角 Only the spider is safe in her web. 攻擊(人類型態) Dangling by a thread. / Ah, the tangled webs we weave. Weak willed fools! / I have... refined tastes. The spider demands sacrifice. / It will all be over soon. 攻擊(蜘蛛型態) Simply delicious. / They'll make quite the mess. / Sate my hunger! Tangled in my web. / Nothing but buzzing flies. / The pain will be fleeting.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 移動(人類型態) We must all make sacrifices. / Every web, a masterpiece. I can show them the way to divinity. / I know the true path. I know what lurks in the shadows. / My true beauty is beneath the skin. There's nothing to fear. / Pull the strings. Watch them dance. They need... guidance. 移動(蜘蛛型態) I lurk in every shadow. / Partake of my poison. / Strand by silken strand. Skitter along, my pets. / I can feel their fear. / Now I thrive! Nothing escapes MY web. / Patience... / How fast can they run on two legs? 嘲諷(人類型態) Come closer, I don't BITE! / The spider, I. And you, the fly. 嘲諷(蜘蛛型態) Surprise! I DO bite. / The spider, I. And you, the fly.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話(人類型態) I hear a man likes a lady with legs. Hmm, why so tense? Relax. 笑話(人類型態) Ha! It's all in the body language. Ha! Ladies wish they had legs like me. ──────────────────────────────────────── Evelynn 伊芙琳 選角 The night is my veil...(sinister laughter). 攻擊 With pleasure. / Your pain is my pleasure. / All too easy. I can smell their fear. / Time to feed. Misery loves company. / I've got the touch. 移動 This way. / If I must. / Shadows beckon. / From the darkness. Into the night! / The night is my veil. It takes a lot of effort to move like this in heels. 嘲諷 Mmm, I like it when they scream. 笑話 I may be bad, but I feel good... ──────────────────────────────────────── Ezreal 伊澤瑞爾 選角 Time for a true display of skill! 攻擊 It's all skill! / I'll handle it! / No problem! / Time to strike! Sounds dangerous... I'm in! / Time to get our hands dirty. 移動 Over here! / Let's go! / Know your environment. / This way! / Careful! Got it! / Agreed! / No time to waste! / Who needs a map?! 嘲諷 You belong in a museum! 笑話 Noxians... I hate those guys...                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 脈衝火焰 伊澤瑞爾 遊戲開始 Ezreal:Computer, run a diagnostic.  Computer:All systems operational. Computer:Pulsefire systems online.  Ezreal:Let's do this. Computer:Pulsefire systems online.  Ezreal:Run a quick analysis for me.   Computer:All systems operational. 復活 Computer:Re-initiating pulsefire systems. Computer:Pulsefire systems re-activated. Computer:Pulsefire back online.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 攻擊 They're still living in the past. / Cannons primed. Can't fight the inevitable. / They don't know what they're up against. Scanning for real threats, none detected. Their weapons are a little outdated. / Phase 'em out. They're nothing but relics! / Weapons hot! 移動 Computer:Ezreal, do you require a map? Ezreal:No. I'll make my own future. / What is their position? / No turning back now. Time's running out. / Grim dark future huh? / Too easy. I am centuries ahead of them. / All systems charged. Sounds apocalyptic, I'm in. 嘲諷 Ezreal:What's the scanner say about their power level?  Computer:No enemies display power levels over 9000.   Ezreal:Heh, I thought so.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Ezreal:There's no match for..  Computer:Systems offline, recharging.   Ezreal:Hey. Wait. Don't.. ºbamº Daah!... Not cool. Ezreal:Time for a true display of..  Computer:Systems offline, recharging.   Ezreal:Ahhh just a sec ehhh. ºbamº 回城 Computer:Taking a break Ezreal? Computer:Warp Mode activated! Computer:Leaving the grid. 升級 Computer:Systems upgraded. (level 11) Computer:All systems fully charged. (level 16)                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 習得秘術射擊(Q) Computer:Mystic Shot armed. 習得精華躍動(W) Computer:Essence Flux primed. 習得奧術躍遷(E) Computer:Arcane Shift enabled. 習得精準彈幕(R) Computer:Trueshot Barrage charged. 施放精準彈幕(R) Computer:Targeting. Computer:Calibrating. ──────────────────────────────────────── Fiddlesticks 費德提克 選角 Your bidding, master! 移動 / 攻擊 To our end. / Indeed! / The end is near! / Yes, my master. Are you afraid? / Fear me. / I feel your fear... 嘲諷 I think I'll let you suffer for a while... 笑話 I haven't got a brain, and soon... neither will you! ──────────────────────────────────────── Fiora 菲歐拉 選角 I long for a worthy opponent. 攻擊 They dare not strike back. / Insolent peasants! / Run them through! I never hold back. / Strike quickly, strike deftly. Prepare to die. / To the death. 移動 Others try. I succeed. / At once. / Precision and grace. Is this supposed to be a challenge? / I have no equal. / Do not hesitate. Such unrefined style. / Sharp blade, sharp mind. 嘲諷 Submit! You have already lost. / I like you. I hate to kill you.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Talent, honor, discipline, and pretty pictures! (draws Teemo in the air with her sword.) I am an artist with a sword, in more ways than one. (draws Teemo in the air with her sword.) 施放斗轉之力(W) Stand ready. / Try me! / En garde! / Your move. 成功格擋 Too slow! / Try again. / One step ahead! / Poor form! ──────────────────────────────────────── Fizz 飛斯 選角 Let me at 'em! 攻擊 The tide turns. / The mighty shark stalks his prey. / Now we strike. To the briney deep. / I'll show them a watery grave. 移動 I'm ready. / Swimmingly. / C'mon, let's go! / Wanna see a trick? No fear! / One jump ahead of you. / They won't catch me. In a splash. / Land, ho! 嘲諷 You're boring. (falls asleep) Not interested. (falls asleep)                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Hmm, something's fishy. (chuckles and eats a fish) Fish, fish fish! (chuckles and eats a fish) 施放海之霸主(R) Shark! / Lunch time! / Feeding time! ──────────────────────────────────────── Galio 加里歐 選角 A guardian is always prepared. 攻擊 Assault from above! / The will of Demacia. / Preemptive strike. With great force. / Justice will be done. / So be it. 移動 In flight. / An honor to serve. / I... will protect.. / On the approach. Moving out. / Remain alert. / By your command. Without fear. / I will not fail. 嘲諷 You should come back with more bad guys. 笑話 Two birds with one stone... Have you met my parents?                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 惡魔守衛者 加里歐 攻擊 The gate beckons. / No escape. / Join the hereafter. Death is no release. / Inevitable demise. / Their time has come! 移動 Fear my gaze. / All have their place. / Do not trust the dead. Eternal sleep... not quite. / To seal the beyond. I serve between worlds. / Oblivion? No. Restless souls stir. / A fateful journey.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 If you kill me who will mind the gate? Will it be you? I guard between life and death. Killing me only sends me home. I prepare for what waits beyond. Shall I show you? 笑話 Dead men tell no tales? I wish... they're never quiet. Knock knock. Who's there? An endless legion of souls! I always let door to door merchants in. I just don't let them out. ──────────────────────────────────────── Gangplank 剛普朗克 選角 Prepare to be boarded! 攻擊 Yaarr! / Swab the poop deck! / C'mere, me beauty! Hehehe. Look what crawled out of the bunghole! / Nothin' but a bilge rat! I'll be usin' ye for chum! I won't rest till I see ye hangin' from the yardarm! 移動 Ya-ha-har! / Avast, me hearties! / Shiver me timbers! Yo ho ho, and a bottle of... rum! / Ahoy! / Well blow me down! I ain't got me ground legs yet, landlubber!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Enjoy your visit to the depths of the sea, landlubber! 笑話 Wanna know why me Roger is so Jolly? Heheheh... ──────────────────────────────────────── Garen 蓋倫 選角 To the Fields of Justice!" 攻擊 Victory awaits! / Accursed Villains. / Battle the infamy! I will lead the charge! / Vile scourge. / The scoundrels will pay! 移動 Forge onward! / For Demacia! / In the King's name! I bring Justice! / Without delay! / At your service! Fear not, I'm coming! / To protect our land! / I stand ready! 嘲諷 Come forth, you will find honor in death.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Summon me and you'll like the way you look. I Garen-tee it. Get it? Let's end this quickly... (Cough) I need to use the little soldier's room. 施放勇氣(W) Demacia! / Charge! / Charge! (longer) ──────────────────────────────────────── Gragas 古拉格斯 選角 If you're buying, I'm in! 攻擊 Last call! / Have a drink! / Yah! / Dodge this! / Happy hour incoming! Fight time! / Time to roll out the barrel! 移動 Don't get pushy! / Yeah, yeah.... / Need some grog... / Oh yeah! Get some! / I'm on it... / Let's get this party started! 嘲諷 I'll drink you under the table, scrub! 笑話 The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it! (laughs) ──────────────────────────────────────── Graves 葛雷夫 選角 Dead man walkin'. 攻擊 Go ahead! I like moving targets. / This is gonna tickle. They picked the wrong fight. / Think I'm bluffin'? Like fish in a barrel. / End of the line. 移動 I've got no time for games. / I ain't got time to bleed. What are you playin' at? / Feelin' lucky? / Try me. Easy, partner. / Got any bright ideas? Always trouble. / Let's settle the score.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Don't die, yet! Heh, that was only a warning shot. (Chuckles) Hope you weren't planning to die of natural causes. (Chuckles) 笑話 I like my enemies two ways: dead, or about to be. (Laughs) Everyone's a hero... till you shoot off a leg or two. (Laughs) 死亡 Aah... Tarnation... 施放隻手遮天(W) Night, night. / Lights out. / All in. / Betting Blind. 對夜曲施放隻手遮天(W) Who's in the dark now? / I've got your darkness. ──────────────────────────────────────── Hecarim 赫克林 選角 Behold the might of the Shadow Isles. 攻擊 Trample their bones. / Never relent. / Crush them underfoot. Break their ranks. / The living will fall. /Embrace death. 移動 Send me to battle. / The shadow approaches. / Ride out. I am beyond death. / War is eternal. / The grave calls. I do not rest. / Their souls beg for release. 嘲諷 Your life is a burden. I bring you freedom! You won't live to see your world destroyed.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Suffering is magic. (skips around his weapon) Another blue ribbon for Hecarim. (skips around his weapon) 施放靈魂恐懼(W) Torment! / Despair! / Face death! 施放暗影的逆襲(R) Cower! / Run! ──────────────────────────────────────── Heimerdinger 漢默丁格 選角 Indeed, a wise choice. 攻擊 Eureka! / Eureka!! / For great science! / I theorize... your defeat! Back, you dirty ape! Back! / You are poorly designed for this! 移動 The cosine of "U" root, divided by... / Hmm, very interesting... I could help you do that better. / Order, entropy, a never-ending cycle. I concur! / Yes, yes, hurry, I have important work to get back to. 嘲諷 And what did you expect from such a substandard intelligence?! 笑話 Why do chemists call helium, curium, and barium 'the medical elements'? Because, if you can't 'helium' or 'curium', you 'BARIUM'! Heheh. ──────────────────────────────────────── Irelia 伊瑞莉雅 選角 My blade is at your service! 攻擊 There's no turning back. / Cut them down. / It ends here. This battle will be won. / They will not prevail. 移動 This way. / Justice guides us. / I will not falter. / With precision. Forge onward. / Ionia shall not fall. / I stand resolute. I stand resolute. / True will cannot be defeated. 嘲諷 You rely on your weapons too much, try letting go! 笑話 Balance in all things. / My blade is not only precise, but totally gnarly. ──────────────────────────────────────── Janna 珍娜 選角 The tempest is at your command. 攻擊 The tempest is upon them. / The storm approaches. / Gale winds unleashed. For tranquility. / By your command. / At once. 移動 As you wish. / With ease. / Swiftly! Breathlessly. / In harmony. / Upon the wind. 嘲諷 And you thought it was just a harmless breeze! 笑話 (Old voice) Say hello to the winds of...*double cough*...*clears throat* (New voice) I don't know what came over me. ──────────────────────────────────────── Jarvan IV 嘉文四世 選角 By my will, this shall be finished. 攻擊 I love a challenge. / Purge the unjust. / Topple their forces! Righteous retribution! / Ours is but to do and die. 移動 Protect the faithful. / For my father, the king. No quarter for the wicked. / Find me greater foes. / Who dares defy my will? Stand with me, brothers and sisters. / Demacia: Now and forever. Today is a good day to die! / We shall rest when we are dead! 嘲諷 Fetch the rest of your team... I'll wait. You like my weapon? Come on over for a closer inspection! Demacia! Get some!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Sunder any army, crumble any mountain, leap the great - owwawww... my toesies. Awareness is the key to victory! Be sure you never let your guard dow- awwowawwoah. 死亡 I must... not... fail. 施放浩劫降臨(R) Demacia! / DEMACIA! ──────────────────────────────────────── Jax 賈克斯 選角 Let's do this! 攻擊 Who's next?! / Now it's my turn! / Bring it on! / It's on! Surprise! I'm back. / Let me at 'em! / Ready for battle! 移動 Surprise! I'm back. / Let me at 'em! Ready for battle! / Bring it on! / It's on! 嘲諷 Who wants a piece of the champ?! 笑話 Imagine if I had a real weapon! ──────────────────────────────────────── Jayce 杰西 選角 I fight for a brighter tomorrow. 攻擊 Bring down the hammer. / Fully charged! / Strength through progress. For Piltover! / I'm going to enjoy this. / Face the future. 移動 Pave the way. / I will light our path. / Never a wrong step. Our future will be bright. / Never look back. / Time to make a stand. I'm always ready. / Without fear. / Powering up! / Eyes on the horizon. 嘲諷 This is what the future looks like. / Feel free to give up now. 笑話 Heheheh. Gotcha! / Did I scare you?                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 電磁脈衝(Q)通過中子加速裝置(E)時 Power slam! / Shocking. / Energize! / Electrify. / Accelerate! 利用加強的電磁脈衝(Q)擊殺單位時 So long! / Feel the thunder. / They're history. 施放浩瀚無垠(Q) To the skies! 施放充能轉換(R) Transformation complete. / Cannon engaged. ──────────────────────────────────────── Karma 卡瑪 選角 An enlightened decision. 攻擊 Negotiations have ended. / They will not crush our spirit. No compromise. / None will question our resolve. Where the battle goes, so go I. / One by one, they will fall. 移動 How noble. / Ionia shall prevail. / Focus your wit and will. Victory is assured. / Peace begins within. To conquer oneself, is to conquer all. / Hope is the greatest ally. Together, we shall triumph. / Onward, always.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 You should feel honored to face me. I interrupted my meditation, for this? 笑話 Guess what's about to hit the fan. This dress may have been impractical. ──────────────────────────────────────── Karthus 卡爾瑟斯 選角 Do you... feel a chill? 攻擊 / 移動 Share... My curse! / Their pain... is my pleasure! / I... obey. Float... on... / Your wish! / For the unliving! 嘲諷 I'll put you... in my book! 笑話 I cannot use your skull. You have a misshapen head. ──────────────────────────────────────── Kassadin 卡薩丁 選角 The balance of power must be preserved. 移動 / 攻擊 Silence! / Your magic is powerless against me! / Justice will be served. Balance above all else. / You are null and void. / As you wish. 移動 I'm on my way! 嘲諷 Try that again! 笑話 I tried to silence my mother once. Boy, did I regret that. ──────────────────────────────────────── Katarina 卡特蓮娜 選角 Violence solves everything! 攻擊 My pleasure. / Let the bloodshed begin! / Let's dance! Blood for Noxus! / Without mercy. / Is that fear I smell? 移動 Ready for trouble? / I've made my choice. / Intriguing. Keep friends close and enemies guessing. / Never play fair. / To the point. Why? Because I can. / No going back. / I like it. / Only fools hesitate.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Better dead than dull. C'mon, live a little... while you can! 笑話 If you run, you won't see me stab you! 施放死亡蓮花(R) Unmatched. / Next time... run! The dance of blades. / Too easy. ──────────────────────────────────────── Kayle 凱爾 選角 Into the fray! 攻擊 / 移動 Lead me to battle. / Into the fray! / Who's next? Your time has come. / An eye for an eye. 嘲諷 Come here! I'll teach you all about the afterlife. 笑話 Are... You sure you're not in the wrong league? ──────────────────────────────────────── Kennen 凱能 選角 The eyes never lie. 攻擊 For Ionia. / Haaayaaa! / A silent death! / Time to strike! From the shadows! / Their final moments approach. 移動 Ready. / Steady... / Let's do it! / Yes yes yes! I am the wind! / Balance in all things. 嘲諷 Big targets are the best! There's more to aim at! 笑話 Yes, they make shurikens this small! ──────────────────────────────────────── Kha'Zix 卡力斯 選角 good. 攻擊 Devour their bones. / Ah...delicious. / Isolate and devour. / One by one. Clever creatures. / Blood in the air. / They fear me. / Die running. 移動 No escape. / This world is delicious! / Position for ambush. Fear the Void. / I sense worthy prey. / Endless hunger. Sharpening my claws. / A different view. / Consume and adapt. They'll never see me. / good. 嘲諷 Do not fear death. The best part of you will live on! If I eat you, will I learn how to die? *laughs* You're barely worth eating!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 To truly know someone, eat them and walk a mile in their feet. My purpose is eating deadly creatures. My hobby is eating yordles. I ate an optimist once, but I couldn't keep him down. (機甲騎士造型限定) I have evolved beyond jokes. I am now a robot. Beep. Boop. 進化技能時 I am living change. / They can't keep up. Evolve and overcome. / They will not expect this! 將孤獨的恐懼(Q)進化為裂刃後 (移動時的台詞多了 2 句) Slice them apart. / Limb from limb. 將虛空尖刺(W)進化為尖刺拷問後 (移動時的台詞多了 3 句) Death from afar. / Pierce and skewer. / They can't keep up.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 將掠翅飛躍(E)進化為飛翅後 (移動時的台詞多了 3 句) My wings are restless. / I will soar over them. / Strike from above. 將虛空突襲(R)進化為偽裝後 (移動時的台詞多了 4 句) You've all been overcome. / They won't know what hit them. In the shadows. / From the dark. ──────────────────────────────────────── Kog'Maw 寇格魔 選角 Time to feast! 攻擊 (gurgles) / Mmm... FOOD! / Hunger never sleep. Smell soft flesh... / Obey Void! / Leave no scraps! 移動 (snorts) / (gurgles) / We go. / No rest. / Getting hungry... / Want meat! Oblivion come. / More! So empty. / Feeding time! 嘲諷 Keep coming! Not FULL! / Terror coming...Daddy coming! 笑話 (sounds a "charge!" bugle call) ──────────────────────────────────────── LeBlanc 勒布朗 選角 The Black Rose shall bloom once more. 攻擊 Time to make an appearance. / There's no escape. / Watch closely. What a treat. / Right where I want them. / Surprised to see me? 移動 Where next? / It's all smoke and mirrors. / Patience, summoner. Tricky, aren't you? / Are you certain? / Trust me. Classic misdirection. / Looks can be deceiving. / Would I lie? 嘲諷 For a moment I thought I'd broken a sweat. 笑話 For my next trick I'll make their life bar disappear. Lying is, like, ninety five percent of what I do. ──────────────────────────────────────── Lee Sin 李星 選角 Your will, my hands. 攻擊 Strike firmly! / Their heartbeats quicken. Worry not. / I'll see this through. / Act free of doubt. 移動 Quiet steps. / Extend your senses. / Where am I needed? Find your center. / I will atone. / Master yourself, master the enemy. Waste not a minute! / We do what we must. 嘲諷 Force is meaningless without skill. You have not earned victory this day. 笑話 Blindness is no impairment against a smelly enemy. ──────────────────────────────────────── Leona 雷歐娜 選角 The dawn has arrived. 攻擊 Twilight fades. / I will break their line. / They'll have to get through me. Feel the sun's glory. / They will be sundered. / Stand and fight. 移動 I will protect you. / First light approaches. / Rally to me. The sun always rises. / Stay at the vanguard. I must not fall. / Chosen of the sun. / Ever vigilant. 嘲諷 Next time, try to leave a dent. 笑話 Don't stare directly at me for too long. I think I broke a nail, good thing it wasn't mine. ──────────────────────────────────────── Lulu 露璐 選角 Pleased to meet you. 攻擊 Dust 'em, Pix! / Let's use all the colors. / Too tall... Much too tall. They aren't gonna like this. / A solid giggle should do the trick. 移動 Just a pinch. / Whoa, dizzy. / Nosy dew drop. / I recommend skipping. Yup! That tasted purple! / That squirrel looks familiar. Never look a tulip in the eye. / You'll see more with your eyes closed. 嘲諷 Come on you! Let's dance. HA! / Let's go around again! HA!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Let's put on our thinking caps. Hmm... Ah, I got it! I could go for a twirl. Whoa, whoa whoa!" (Lulu uses her hat to spin around her staff) 對敵軍施放幻想曲(W) Fuzzy! / Adorbus! / Delightify! / Transmogulate! / Cuddly incoming! 對友軍施放幻想曲(W) Zippy! / Tut tut. / Hot foot! / Vroom vroom! 施放究極鍊化(R) Hugify! / Up we go! / Tremendo! / Enormivis! ──────────────────────────────────────── Lux 拉克絲 選角 Tactical decision, summoner! 攻擊 Light'em up! / Focus on the battle. / Banish the shadows! With superior tactics. / Illuminate the enemy! / I never think about losing. 移動 Going! / Stay positive. / I'll look into it. We can do this. / Bright decision! / Lighting the way. I love it when a plan comes together. 嘲諷 In the name of Demacia, I will punish you! With your power level, I suggest you forfeit instead.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Double rainbow? What does it mean?...  Well, a "double rainbow" is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum  of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere.  Does that explain it? Light mage? I'm just an ordinary mage. (whispering) Shhh! I'm charging my laser... 施放終極閃光(R) Demacia! ──────────────────────────────────────── Malphite 墨菲特 選角 Rock solid. 攻擊 Smash! / Huurt! / Kill. / Die! / Pain! / Stay down! 移動 Ok. / Sure. / Uh-huh. / Got it. / Yes. / Going. I'm moving as fast as I can. 嘲諷 You will lose. 笑話 Caught between a rock... and a hard place. ──────────────────────────────────────── Malzahar 馬爾札哈 選角 Oblivion awaits! 攻擊 It is done. / Mortality is weakness. / We demand sacrifice. Inevitable. / Their time is short. / For the Void. 移動 Icathia beckons. / As was foreseen. / In due course. Second sight ordains it. / It is in motion. / At once. / We are timeless. Do not challenge fate's will! / Without question. 嘲諷 Come mortal, witness your demise! / Bow to the void! Or be consumed by it! 笑話 *burps* I think a Voidling just came out! ──────────────────────────────────────── Maokai 茂凱 選角 I do your bidding... for now.. 攻擊 Begone vile magics! / I will punish their imprudence. Reckless mages. / I will end this misuse of magic. They will know my remorse. / Do you want to see twisted? 移動 This power... I cannot control! / Torment me no longer! To rest... if only I could. / This life was not meant to be. You should not defy nature! / There is no escape. I once had peace. / Return me to the forest... I would end this burden, but it always returns.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Is this what they call getting stomped? Hahaha! Nature can be a real mother. Hahaha! 笑話 Nature is the truest form of balance. Eat and avoid being eaten. Animals are lazy. We plants produce our own food. ──────────────────────────────────────── Master Yi 易大師 選角 My blade is yours. 攻擊 We strike now! 移動 A wise decision. 移動 / 攻擊 Certainly. / Do not fear the unknown. / My blade is yours. Wuju Style! / Follow my lead. / I will show you the path. 嘲諷 Your skills are inferior! 笑話 Wuju.. pass me that potion? ──────────────────────────────────────── Miss Fortune 好運姐 選角 Fortune doesn't favor fools! 攻擊 The fun begins. / Nothing but powder monkeys. / I always shoot first. No prey, no pay. / Guns blazin'. / Bang! 移動 Step to. / Not a problem. / I know what I'm doing. / Set sail! Sure you can handle me, summoner? You've got dangerous eyes...I like that. Don't get cocky. / I've got a good feeling about this.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself respawning at home! There is two kinds of men on Earth: those with a loaded gun, and those who feed... you, you feed. (French) 笑話 How do you like my guns... Shock, and Awe! ──────────────────────────────────────── Mordekaiser 魔鬥凱薩 選角 I shall bring great suffering! 攻擊 Time to shred. / How delightfully painful. / No pain, no drain. Carnage! / Your sickness... sustains me. / Affliction... forever! This whole... living thing is... highly overrated. 移動 Misery loves company. / If I must. / For great... torment! We shall see. / Desolation is coming. So be it... summoner. / You only need to click once, fool!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Death would be too good for the likes of you! 笑話 I like my weapons how I like my music... heavy and metal! 死亡 No... ──────────────────────────────────────── Morgana 魔甘娜 選角 We'll bring them pain. 移動 / 攻擊 I'll have my revenge. / They will suffer. / Without mercy. Share in my torment. / Do not dally! / Feel my pain. 嘲諷 You too will be judged. 笑話 Not all angels are good. ──────────────────────────────────────── Nami 娜米 選角 I decide what the tide will bring. 攻擊 They're puddle monsters at best. / Do not force my hand. The seas are rising. / Wash them away. / Welcome to the deep end. Water can heal... or harm. / Let the seas reclaim them. Douse 'em. / Have a drink. / Soak it up. This is minnow's play. / Bottom feeders. The ocean will sweep them away. / The sea has no pity. 移動(1/2) Quit flopping around. / There's always another wave. Swim against the current. / I'll find my path. / Sure as the tides. Great, more dry land. / We are all tied to the ocean. Ride upon the waves. / Feet are strange. / People and their air... The softest water wears down the hardest rock.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 移動(2/2) My people are counting on me. / I still hear the song of the sea. I will see my home again. / My quest beckons. / Eww, whale breath. 嘲諷 *Nami taunts her foe and splashes them with water.* You're in over your head. / Afraid to get your feet wet? Swim at your own risk. 笑話 *Nami summons three small sharks which swim around her, and makes them jump.* Sometimes you're the catch. Sometimes you're the bait. The sea holds fearsome creatures... and them. I moonlight as a shark caller. 施放驚濤駭浪(R) Oceans spill forth! / High tide! 其它 Hey, squirt! / Cool out, squirt. / Pool party! ──────────────────────────────────────── Nasus 納瑟斯 選角 The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die. 攻擊 Anthropomancy: divination by entrails. / I bring death. Soon... there will be nothing. / Life is part of a cycle; yours is over. Your soul will be measured. / Death... is a harsh mistress. 移動 There, for grace, I go. / Where angels fear to tread. It is never ending. / Their death awaits. / If it is your wish. Yes... summoner. / Do not try my patience.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Your legacy shall drift away, blown into eternity, like the sands of the desert. 笑話 Who... let the dogs... out. Woof. Woof, woof. ──────────────────────────────────────── Nautilus 納帝魯斯 選角 Beware the depths. 攻擊 All will drown. / They will pay. / I will not rest. / Drag them down. I will have vengeance. / Fear the ocean's weight. 移動 Left to die. / Find the guilty. / The tide ebbs. / Forward, forward. Lost and forgotten. / The endless march. / Echoes from the deep. Peer into the darkness. / Do you hear them calling? 嘲諷 You are in the deep end now! 笑話 Sometimes I think this anchor just weighs me down. (swims in the air and hums) ──────────────────────────────────────── Nidalee 奈德麗 選角 They will fear the wild. 攻擊 The untamed know no fear. / Mmm, the taste of coward. I'll show these house cats real claws. We'll prey on the civilized. / Claw or spear, your end's the same. 移動 You call this civilized? / You cannot cage me summoner. Let me show you the way. / Instincts guide my steps. On the prowl. / I will guide you.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Here mousy, mousy, mousy... *Licks her paw* (Cougar form) 笑話 Did I mention it's mating season? *Rolls over on back* (Cougar form) 跳舞 *Twirls around her spear and then flips her hair* *Spins in a circle chasing her tail* (Cougar form) ──────────────────────────────────────── Nocturne 夜曲 選角 Embrace the darkness. 攻擊 Cut them from this world! / Suffer eternally! Their twilight approaches. / The light is fading... Drip drop, the sound of blood... / Help is not coming... 移動 I sense fear. / Do I scare you, summoner? Are you getting tired yet? / This place disgusts me. People are flames to be blotted out. / Afraid of the dark? Cross over. / Swim in terror! / Are you my nightmare, or am I yours?                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Bring me more fleshbags to slice up! 笑話 Weather forecast for tonight: dark, with a chance of pain! 施放無盡夢魘(R) All alone... / Darkness... / (Laughter) ──────────────────────────────────────── Nunu 努努 選角 Here we go! 移動 / 攻擊 The yeti knows the way! / It's cold out there... / Let's make tracks! Swallowed you whole! / I'm on it! / Can't catch me! Don't make the yeti angry, You won't like him when he's angry! 嘲諷 Don't make the yeti angry. You won't like him when he's angry! *Willump chuckles* 笑話 Speak softly...and ride a big yeti! *Willump chuckles*                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 怒伯機器人 努努 移動 / 攻擊 Are you freaking kidding me? / Bots are superior to non-bots. I have a bad feeling about this. / I must think and act fast. I will surprise them with my decision. / Man, I'm good. My ultimate will devastate them...or not. You must say miss! That's a constructive criticism. Welcome to the new Champion Spotlight, presented by Yeti Bot. Towerdive! We must towerdive! / Yeti-bot speaking. You are now on my Ignore list. 嘲諷 Now watch and learn from my moves, just like I've learned from Phreak. When I first met you, I was the bot. Now I am the super-bot. 笑話 I feel so good now. So fed. Almost as members of Riot when they created me.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 死亡 Stop feeding. 施放吞噬(Q) Delicious. / Yummy. ──────────────────────────────────────── Olaf 歐拉夫 選角 Leave nothing behind! 移動 / 攻擊 Chop chop! / Faster to battle! / Finally, some fun! / I'm going. My axe is thirsty. / Obliteration! / The might of Lokfar approaches! To action! / To plunder! / Urge to kill, rising! / Death by steel! 嘲諷 C'mon, I won't hurt you. I promise! 笑話 The worth of a man can be measured by the length of his beard, and the girth of his belt buckle.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 哥拉夫 移動 / 攻擊 Beatdown city, population – you. / Brooo! / Chicks dig my axe. Do you got that bro?! / Dude, I'm so buffed up right now. Get on the pain train, woo woo! / HEY! Don't touch my Graggy Ice! Hey dude, I'm kind of a big deal. / I am Broseidon, lord of the Brocean. Point me to the ladies! / That's how I roll. / Oh man... Where am I? Out of the way, loser! / Holla' atcha' boy! / Come get some! / Up top. 嘲諷 I came here to kick butt and drink Graggy! Looks like I'm all out of Graggy. You can't arrest me, my dad owns a dealership! 笑話 I'm OP? Your mom is OP. Yo, summoner, summon me like two... no, SIX hot chicks, stat!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 死亡 Your mom! / Lame! / Not cool... / Ohhhh, bogus! 施放逆流投擲(Q) Chug! / Chug! Chug! 施放殘暴打擊(W) Brooooooo! 施放魯莽揮擊(E) Boom, baby! / Kablooey! / Kaboom! / Oh yeah! 施放諸神黃昏(R) Bromacia! ──────────────────────────────────────── Orianna 奧莉安娜 選角 We will kill your enemies. That will be fun 攻擊 We are as one. / The ball is angry. / I have sharp things. Yes, I am a weapon. / So strange, they scream. / Why do they keep breaking? 移動 We go. / Winding. / Motivating. / I hear soft things. This is a fun game. / This is very exciting. / The ball is impatient. Time tick-ticks away. / Why are they running? 嘲諷 I know what makes them tick. I know how to make the ticking stop. (When said without the Ball, the animation is different.)                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 They come apart so easily. How do you put them back together again? When you fall, you get right back up. (The second quote is said without the Ball. Orianna's animation is the same, but when she falls at the end, the Ball is not present to catch her.) 施放指令:貫穿(Q) Ravage. 施放指令:失衡(W) Pulse. 施放指令:守護(E) Protect. 施放終極指令:脈衝(R) Throw. ──────────────────────────────────────── Pantheon 潘森 選角 They are privileged to die at my feet! 移動 / 攻擊 Consider it done. / Do not provoke me. / Honor compels me! I know my path. / My spear is restless. / Onward! / Without pause! Their fate is sealed. / They disgrace the art of war! They will know war. / They will not enjoy this! / With pleasure... 嘲諷 Getting kicked into a well is the least of your worries! 笑話 My profession...! You know, now that I think of it, I've always wanted to be a baker. Yes, a baker. ──────────────────────────────────────── Poppy 波比 選角 Valoran will know harmony. 移動 / 攻擊 Agreed! / Fighting is serious business. / I'll settle this issue! If it will bring peace. / Immediately! / Let me demonstrate Hammer Diplomacy! My convictions will not falter! / Their defeat is non-negotiable! They will beg for peace. / We are in accord, Summoner. 嘲諷 Why don't you just lay down your weapons now? 笑話 Jokes? I don't know any jokes. ──────────────────────────────────────── Rammus 拉姆斯 選角 Ok. 移動 / 攻擊 Alright. / Yeah. / Ok. / Ram. 嘲諷 (Rammus says nothing, merely raising his arms in triumph.) 笑話 (Rammus puts his arms on his belly and laughs but makes no sound.) ──────────────────────────────────────── Renekton 雷尼克頓 選角 As I live, all will die! 移動 / 攻擊 Bask in their blood! / Carnage! / Chaos will follow. / Cut them down. Destruction approaches. / Embrace the jaws of death! I'll leave them in pieces. / Lavish brutality. Nasus cannot escape me forever! / Nothing will stop me! There is no retreat. / Welcome the havoc. Light meat, dark meat, it's all the same. / Who's next on the chopping block? 嘲諷 Come back when you've collected all the bits of yourself! 笑話 What? Do I have someone in my teeth? ──────────────────────────────────────── Rengar 雷葛爾 選角 Tonight we hunt! 攻擊 Monsters can be made to fear. / I seek only the strongest. Strike when ready. / Whose head shall I take? / Comfort breeds weakness. There is the hunter and the hunted. / Walk the killer's path. Catch their trail. / The scent of prey. / A true hunter never rests. 移動 A fitting prize. / Let's see what they're made of. / Carve off a souvenir. Their heads will adorn my wall. / Another piece for my collection. Nothing will escape. / Lesser creature. 嘲諷 You have a warrior's heart. I think I'll take it. You've earned a good death. I've earned the kill.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 So much bloodshed... This is my kind of place! All these trophies... I'm gonna need a bigger den! 購買骨牙項鍊 / 獲得戰利品時 Remember every kill. / Each trophy a victory. / Spoils of the hunt. Never return empty handed. / A token of my conquest. I'm just getting started. / A fine collection. / More prey, more prices. Leave only a trail of bodies. / What a glorious hunt. 施放怒獅戰吼(W) Come on! / Let's fight! 施放狩獵拋繩(E) Not so fast! / Slow down! / Easy prey. / Don't trip. 施放血性獵殺(R) Focus. / Listen. ──────────────────────────────────────── Riven 雷玟 選角 What is broken can be reforged! 攻擊 Violence to end the violence. / To serve the greater good. A necessary strike. / It must come to pass. / For those who were lost. So much death. / They've crossed the line. 移動 Burdens of the past. / Choose your own path. / A sword mirrors its owner. What conflict awaits? / So long I've wandered... Learn from your mistakes. / My hands are stained. My spirit is not lost. / How should I proceed?                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you! (放逐之刃狀態)You are beyond redemption! 笑話 (Sighs) I knew I should have sprung for the blade warranty. (放逐之刃狀態)This is why I spend so much time sheath shopping. 施放放逐之刃(R) I am awakened. / There is no other way. / They cannot go unpunished! The time for talk is over. / I know my purpose. / A moment of clarity. No more hesitation. / Leave doubt behind. No looking back. / Sacrifices must be made. ──────────────────────────────────────── Rumble 藍寶 選角 Let's get in the fight! 攻擊 Baby, don't fail me now! / Ready for round two. The bigger they are, the harder I hit 'em. / This is gonna be bumpy. Time for a Bandle city beatdown. / Thought you'd never ask. 移動 Who wants a piece of this? / Alright... I'm going. You don't have to tell me twice. / Hold 'er steady. / Now we're cookin'. Revved up! / Who you callin' little? / Ever looked up to a yordle? 嘲諷 Come on, I'm not even holding the controls!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Turbo on! Uh...wuuh? *crash* Just needs a little kick start there *kicks machine*. Hyup. Bandle citeh--Oops, forgot the clutch. 藍寶過熱 Ouch ouch ouch! Hot hot hot hot! 堅尼過熱 Warning! Warning! Warning! ──────────────────────────────────────── Ryze 雷茲 選角 Let's go, let's go! 移動 / 攻擊 Can you handle this? / Come on already! / Don't hold me up! / Let's go let's go! Right back at ya! / Unpleasant? I'll show you unpleasant! / Zap! 嘲諷 Take this scroll and stick it... somewhere safe. 笑話 I got these tattoos in rune prison! ──────────────────────────────────────── Sejuani 史瓦妮 選角 Winter is coming. 攻擊 Strike at their heart. / Trample them. / For my ancestors! Run them down! / Bristle, attack! / Leave no survivors. 移動 I belong in battle. / This is our fight! / Do not relent. Prove your worth, summoner! / Ride onward. / To the bitter end. Victory at any cost. / I will rule Freljord. / We will endure!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 You make excellent boar food. Those who oppose me get gored! 笑話 Hey, get up! (Sighs) How many times have I told you: 'No sleeping during battle!' Hey, wake up! (Sighs) No dinner for you, tonight. 施放極地衝刺(Q) Stampede! / Trample! ──────────────────────────────────────── Shaco 薩科 選角 How about a magic trick? 移動 / 攻擊 Here we go! / Just a little bit closer! / Look... behind you. March, march, march, march! / Now you see me, now you don't! The joke's on you! / This will be fun! 嘲諷 Why so serious? 笑話 For my next trick, I'll make you disappear! *laughs* ──────────────────────────────────────── Shen 慎 選角 A demonstration of superior judgement. 攻擊 It must be done. / Enforced equilibrium. / I find them unworthy. Target marked. / With honor. / Understood. 移動 With balanced steps. / Our wills align. / Press on. From the shadows. / So I go. / Tread carefully. Without a sound. / There is no dispute. / Immediately. 嘲諷 You're already dead, you just haven't caught up yet. 笑話 If light travels so fast, how come it's never caught a ninja? ──────────────────────────────────────── Shyvana 希瓦娜 選角 They are nothing before me. 攻擊 Suffer my fury. / The might of Demacia will prevail. / The rage. They see their end. / They are nothing before me. By the blood of my father, I will end them. 移動 I go. / The dragon nears. / On wings of fury. The enemies of Demacia will fall. / Without remorse. The quiet before battle. / I smell fear. They should run now. / They have faced nothing like me.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Come get a glimpse into the belly of the beast! 笑話 What do you get when a dragon sneezes? (Chuckles) Out of the way.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 希瓦娜(聖龍形態) 攻擊 Fragile creatures. / I will dance in their ashes. Feel my talons. / Fear me. 移動 Behold my true form. / Tremble before the power of a dragon. Power flows through me. / I am unleashed. 嘲諷 Think you're a dragon slayer? Come here and try. ──────────────────────────────────────── Singed 辛吉德 選角 How about a drink? 移動 / 攻擊 I hear you. / On my way. / This may hurt. / It's nearly time. Mix mix swirl mix. / To shake, or not to shake. 嘲諷 How'd that taste? 笑話 Shaken, not stirred. ──────────────────────────────────────── Sion 賽恩 選角 I do it. 移動 / 攻擊 I'm dead... so are you. / I'll do it. / Stop being a bonehead! Lead me to battle. / Get on my Chopper! / Now, I'm dead serious. Who is your summoner, and what does he do? 嘲諷 What is best in death? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of noobs! 笑話 Hand bone connected to the axe bone connected to your face bone! ──────────────────────────────────────── Sivir 希維爾 選角 To battle. 移動 / 攻擊 For the honor of all. / I will strike you down. Line them up and knock them down. / Move out. On the double. / The hunt begins. / To battle. 嘲諷 Enjoy that breath, it will be your last. 笑話 You may call me mistress... but only from your knees. 施放狩獵(R) Charge! ──────────────────────────────────────── Skarner 史加納 選角 My stinger brings ugly death. 攻擊 Time to fight! / Fear my sting. / In claw's reach. Limb from limb! / I will tear them apart. / I'll show you monstrous. 移動 On all legs. / I miss my kind. / We await our time. My stinger is ready. / The battle approaches. This world is so strange. / I see the wisdom in that. We think alike, summoner. / The Crystal Scar is weeping. 嘲諷 I... am... ancient! You are nothing more than an insect to me!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 Eeaugh! Bugs are gross! Ugh! Oh no! I seem to have stepped on one of my cousins! 特殊(在草叢裡發呆時) Skar-skar-SKARNER! 施放蠍尾穿刺(R) Feel my sting! / Bwahahahaha! Now I've got you! / You'll never escape! ──────────────────────────────────────── Sona 索娜 選角 Only you can hear me Summoner, what masterpiece shall we play today? 攻擊 A symphony of justice. / The fanfare ascends. Shall we resolve this dissonance? / Allegrissimo. Order through music. / Brioso! Brioso! 移動 Harmoniously. / Quarter time! / From my mind to yours. / With perfect tempo. Adagio, summoner. / Delicately. / Accurate, like a metronome. A sublime duet. / Accelerated movement, I concur. 嘲諷 (Smacks her hands on her instrument and points forward like an angry child.) 笑話 (Different electric guitar sounds) ──────────────────────────────────────── Soraka 索拉卡 選角 Let me guide you. 移動 / 攻擊 Be free of your burdens. / By the power of the stars. For peace of mind. / Gracefully. / I heed their call. Let me guide you. / My path is clear. 嘲諷 Do you always fight so poorly? 笑話 No, I'm not happy to see you. Yes, that is a horn growing out of my head. ──────────────────────────────────────── Swain 斯溫 選角 The early bird guts the worm. 移動 / 攻擊 A Noxian does not dawdle. / Efficient strategy. / How obvious. I'll give the orders. / I'm five steps ahead of you. / If you insist. My thoughts exactly. / My destination is absolute. / Victory awaits. A calculated risk. / Dispatch these worms. / Impeccable decision. My bird is hungry. / My pleasure. / They dare oppose Noxus? 嘲諷 Another opponent, another disappointment. 笑話 If we approach strategically from the flank... Oh who am I kidding, let's just morph and eat them.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 斯溫(烏鴉型態) 嘲諷 I bet you taste like chicken. 笑話 You're seriously asking a giant demon bird...for a joke?  Seriously, again?! Just drop it!   Think logically for ONE SECON--CAW CAW CAWCAWCAW!! ──────────────────────────────────────── Syndra 星朵拉 選角 So much untapped power! 攻擊 Jealous fools. / I will not be restrained. / Imprisoned no longer. They are nothing to me. / This is what I live for. / Run, playthings. Such power! / Barriers exist to be broken. 移動 A whole world to toy with. / More! I can be so much more! My potential is limitless. / This power is mine to command. Let them try to stop me. / By force of will. / I am in control. People fear what they cannot understand. / Easily.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 *Syndra throws her three floating spheres to the ground with force.* Immense power is fun! You should try it sometime. A legion couldn't stop me. What chance do you have? 笑話 *Syndra lines up her three floating spheres as stepping stones and climbs.* See? Absolute control. / And they said I lacked balance. Ha! 黑暗星體(Q)到達 Lv5 Power without limit. / Barriers exist to be broken. 意志之力(W)到達 Lv5 I love to watch them fly. / I will not hold back. 虛弱潰散(E)到達 Lv5 I am untouchable. / They won't even come close. ──────────────────────────────────────── Talon 塔隆 選角 Live and die by the blade. 攻擊 This blade's my favorite. / This is no challenge. / Pathetic! Enjoy the taste of steel. / Another body for the gutter. Their bones will whet my blade. 移動 Your allegiances mean nothing to me. / Only fools pledge life to honor. There's nowhere to hide. / They won't survive. Don't cross me. / I never compromise. Let's finish this quickly. / On the razor's edge.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Have you anything to offer but weakness?! Eventually, my blades will find their way into your heart. 笑話 Ugh, I've lost another blade. I wonder who it's in this time. The worst part about losing a blade is trying to trace back all my stabbings. ──────────────────────────────────────── Taric 塔里克 選角 More than just precious stones, I bring you an ancient power. 移動 / 攻擊 Brilliantly. / From coal to diamonds. / Functional and stylish. Gems hold their edge. / I will weep for you. Magic has ruined this land. / Emerald for insight. / Opal for harmony. Ruby for vigor. / Sapphire for divinity. / With clarity. You shall be crushed. / You face unblemished power. 嘲諷 You are nothing more than glass, waiting to be smashed. 笑話 Gems? Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous. ──────────────────────────────────────── Teemo 提摩 選角 Captain Teemo on duty. 移動 / 攻擊 Hut two three four. / Yes sir! / I'll scout ahead! / Armed and ready. That's gotta sting. / Reporting in. / Swiftly! 嘲諷 Never underestimate the power of the Scout's code. 笑話 Size doesn't mean everything. 「約德爾人的一大步」 (所有語音變成對講機模式) ──────────────────────────────────────── Tristana 崔絲塔娜 選角 I wanna shoot something! 移動 / 攻擊 Direct hit! / I wanna shoot something! / Ka-boom! Let's get in range! / Look at the pretty explosions! Ready... aim... fire! / Wanna see the fireworks? 嘲諷 Did you fall down and go boom? 笑話 Is that a rocket in your pocket? ──────────────────────────────────────── Trundle 特朗德 選角 Time to troll! 攻擊 I'm on it. / I'm not heartless - I love beating! It never stops. / Let's go clubbing! Let's smash something! / Oww, splinter!" The tribe is waiting. / Time to troll! 移動 Let's show them my ugly side. / This is about to get ugly! Suffer as I do. / Share the agony!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Defeat Trundle? Are you trolling? If you want me to hit you less, die sooner. 笑話 How much you wanna bet I can whack you from one fountain to the other? Don't hate the player, hate the club that's smashing your face! ──────────────────────────────────────── Trydamere 泰達米爾 選角 This'll be a slaughter. 移動 / 攻擊 As you wish. / Follow my blade! / I am your worst nightmare! Into battle. / Now they die! / This'll be a slaughter. 嘲諷 You never stood a chance. 笑話 My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 魔劍蠻王 泰達米爾 攻擊 Must... go. / Find fresh souls. Quickly. / No salvation. I am your worst nightmare! / All will be consumed. / Soon all will join me. There is no going back. / The power... is undeniable. We are one now. / Who will be next?! 移動 The thirst consumes me! / Slaughter! Massacre... Claim them all. / Devour their souls. / They will serve us. No control! No... mercy. / Rivers of blood. 嘲諷 Yours will be a small sacrifice. / My blade calls you — you will answer! 笑話 You really don't want to get on my bad side. This new look is really growing on me, mwahaha! ──────────────────────────────────────── Twisted Fate 逆命 選角 Lady Luck is smilin'. 移動 / 攻擊 Doin' it. / I reckon. / Deal 'em. / Pick a card. / It's my lucky day. It's all in the cards. / Just the luck of the draw. 嘲諷 The house always wins. 笑話 Only two Jokers in the deck, and I get dealt you. ──────────────────────────────────────── Twitch 圖奇 選角 Oh, what do you want? 移動 / 攻擊 Do you smell that? / I'll be right there! / I strike from the shadows. Oh ho ho ho yes yes... / Taste of my disease. / This will do... 嘲諷 You smell terrible! 笑話 Oh, what's that smell? Oh, it's me... ──────────────────────────────────────── Udyr 烏迪爾 選角 Our rage is beyond your control! 移動 / 攻擊 Do not deny your instincts, summoner. / Feral instinct guides our fist. Our instincts are razor sharp. / Our rage is beyond your control! That is our path. / Their death will only feed our rage. Their fear is wise. / Weapons are for the weak. We will make use of their pelts. / We will not pity the defenseless. 嘲諷 We do not know pity, even for you! 笑話 If PETA asks, this fur is fake. ──────────────────────────────────────── Urgot 烏爾加特 選角 Eternal life; endless torture. 移動 / 攻擊 Death is the only escape. / Execute. / I detect the presence of scum. Must... punish. / Only I will remain. / They are condemned. / Cannot rest. Destination received. / Endless misery. / Existence is torment. Hydraulics activated. / Systems ready. / The fortunate will be eradicated. The gift of eternal pain. / They will know fear. 嘲諷 There's no coming back from your demise. Fear? No... I am the mindkiller. 笑話 You can't beat me, so join me. I need a good pair of legs. ──────────────────────────────────────── Varus 法洛士 選角 The guilty will know agony. 攻擊 No forgiveness. / They will know regret. / No turning back. Face oblivion. / My arrows always find their marks. Deliver them to their end. / Pity those who cross me. 移動 Beware a man with nothing to lose. / I do what I must. My purpose is clear. / My work is not done. / I'm on borrowed time. Give me a target. / I am forsaken. / Bloodshed carries a price. Only cowards flee their fate. / There is no salvation.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Pain is my gift to you. The cost of your life is one arrow. 笑話 You'd like some real amusement? Come closer. When you dance with death, lead. ──────────────────────────────────────── Vayne 汎 選角 Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness. 攻擊 I release them from their pain. / I bring swift death. / They will be purified. Cleansing blood with silver. / I pass judgement. 移動 On wings of night. / The shadows are to be feared. The dark should fear me. / I hear the innocent cry out. I smell black magics. / In the dark all is laid bare. Evil lurks around every corner. / Beware!                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Hitting me is like boxing with shadows. 笑話 Joke? What do you mean? I have no time for nonsense. 習得神聖銀箭(W) Silver of the moon. / The purifying element. / Purged with silver. 施放死亡通緝(R) Time for reckoning. / The die is cast... / Impure fools. ──────────────────────────────────────── Veigar 維迦 選角 Know that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy! 攻擊 Give up now! / I will swallow your soul. / I am evil, stop laughing! I can see the fear in your heart. / Your soul will come to serve me. Even now, your loved ones suffer. / Even death trembles in my presence. 移動 Yes! (laughs) / I smell death. / Suffering awaits. / Stalking prey again? Your commands tire me. / The magic, it calls to me! It's only a short way? Is that a short joke?! 嘲諷 You deny the darkness in your soul! You deny your power! 笑話 What's black and blue and is about to show you the definition of pain?! ──────────────────────────────────────── Viktor 維克特 選角 Join the glorious evolution. 攻擊 Inferior constructs. / They are obsolete. / Relinquish the flesh. Destroy...Then improve! / Their bodies are frail. / Adapt or be removed. 移動 I am the first of many. / Metal is perfection. / With utmost efficiency. Analyzing approach. / Embrace progress. / Pave the way. Function over form. / All will soon change. / Submit to my designs.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Steel can fix all your flaws. (laughs) My opponents need to be upgraded. 笑話 The key to the uhh...Huh?! That is the uhh...What?! Urgh! Keep your hand to yourself! Listen close-...I have important-...This is why I can't take you nice places! 施放渾沌風暴(R) Consume! / Obliterate! / Behold! / True power! ──────────────────────────────────────── Vladimir 弗拉迪米爾 選角 The rivers will run red. 攻擊 Care to make a donation? / I'd love a pint. / A draining exercise. Deliciously vain. / Hmm, something is leaking. / I'm a universal recipient. 移動 A vital decision. / A harvest moon, so aptly named. / My cup is half empty. I'm absolutely livid. / Trickling progress. / Please, let it all out. The clot thickens. / Let's pool our efforts. / Wonderful. 嘲諷 You look like someone who's got a lot going on beneath the surface. 笑話 Go ahead, be negative. You'll be just my type.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 血之魔王 弗拉迪米爾 攻擊 I want to make this last. / Arise and face me. / Feel the life drip away. Pitiful creatures. / Witness the depths of despair. Slake my thirst. / The night shall consume them. 移動 So much blood waiting for purpose. / Kneel before Vlad. / I am lord and master. Which vessel shall I empty next? / There is a monster in all of us. The skies will rain red. / No one commands me. / This is my realm. In darkness I am truly alive. / I shall leave this place in ruin. Kneel before me! 嘲諷 How long must I search to find a real challenge? Gather together your allies so you can pool your tears. 笑話 Bask in... *coughing* What did you eat? / *coughing* Ugh, bloodball. ──────────────────────────────────────── Volibear 弗力貝爾 選角 Let the storm follow in my wake. 攻擊 Let none survive. / I do not pity cowards. / By Freljord's might. Sniveling cubs! / Is that a challenge? / Tremble at my roar! 移動 As fate decrees. / So it shall be. / Let the storm follow in my wake. Battle is in my blood. / Trust in your instincts. To war! / The Ursine do not know fear. Strength and wisdom guide me. / The thunder calls.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 A fool and his head are easily parted. 笑話 Hmm, I suppose you're expecting an unbearable pun. 擊殺極靈 Your time has run out, Chronokeeper. I have a special claw for you, Zilean. 施放轟雷電爪(R) Face the storm! ──────────────────────────────────────── Warwick 沃維克 選角 Let's make this fun. 移動 / 攻擊 Mmmm... mmm... I smell their stench. / It's only fun if they run. It's time to hunt. / I'll feast on their bones. / This ends... now. / Yes... 嘲諷 Mmm... Delicious. 笑話 All the better to eat you with my dear! 施放血跡追蹤(E) (Warwick makes a sniffing sound) ──────────────────────────────────────── Wukong 悟空 選角 I will be the best. 攻擊 Just try to stop me. / Been waiting for this. / Wuju style. Is that all they've got? / Put me to the test. / I got this. 移動 Adapt to all situations. / Every mistake is a lesson. / Show me the path. My place is at the top. / Bring me a real challenge. You got it! / Never settle for second. Who questions my ability? / My journey's only beginning.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Improve your skills! Then find me again. 笑話 I bet I can hit their base from here! No matter how far it is to the top, it's still within my grasp! ──────────────────────────────────────── Xerath 齊勒斯 選角 I will be free. 攻擊 Primitive magic shall not best me. / Magic. I'll show you real magic. Flesh and blood; so fragile. / Simple fools. Force beyond measure. / Behold my power. 移動 I will be their undoing. / These chains cannot hold me. / None will control me. I follow the path to power. / I will show you true power. The affairs of mortals are beneath me. / I am eternal. The secrets of magic are mine alone. / So be it.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 It will take only a spark of my magic to end you. 笑話 Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Power laning, power farming, power ganking, power kills! So many kills! Four-hundred kills! ──────────────────────────────────────── Xin Zhao 趙信 選角 To the arena! 移動 / 攻擊 A Demacian does not retreat. / Always forward. Here's a tip, and a spear behind it! / It shall be done! / My king commands. Only actions truly speak. / Perish with honor. / Press the assault! Sound the march! / Their lives are forfeit. The warrior's spirit is never broken. / To triumph! Victory calls. / Fate has made its choice. 嘲諷 I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against me! 笑話 Find me an immovable object, and I'll put this question to rest! ──────────────────────────────────────── Yorick 約瑞科 選角 Death is only the beginning. 移動 / 攻擊 Death is the gift I offer. / Fill the ground with them. You will remember Yorick Mori. / Embrace the inevitable. Answers lie beneath the dirt. / The last breath is sweetest. Another claimed for the Shadow Isles. / Everything has an expiration date. Who requires my services? / Life... slips away. / Live bodies are so... fragile. There is only one destination. / They will make splendid corpses. Do you hear the ghouls? / Join me in eternity. 嘲諷 I will bury you alive! *laughs*                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 笑話 I think I might know a relative of yours. No hair... sagging flesh... always going on about brains. Ring any bells?" 施放瘟疫之兆(W) Rot. / Torment! / Wither. 施放饑荒之兆(E) Feast. / Devour! 施放死亡之兆(R) Revenge! ──────────────────────────────────────── Zed 劫 選角 The unseen blade is the deadliest. 攻擊 Only the worthy will survive. / I am the blade in the darkness. Cut the last breath from them. / The shadow is within. / Punish restraint. Do not deny me. / They follow the wrong master. None escape their shadow. / Ignorance is fatal. 移動 Without a sound. / No technique is forbidden. Brave the shadows, find the truth. / Do not fear the shrouded path. Balance is a fool's master. / Secrets kept are weapons wasted. The shadows have enlightened me. / Balance is weakness. The truth lies in darkness. / Tradition is the corpse of wisdom. What I have done... cannot be undone.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 Embrace the shadow... or die in darkness! The merest shade of me... is enough to defeat you! 笑話 *Zed plays rock, paper, scissors with his shadow. On loss: Zed kills his shadow. On victory: his shadow bows, and disappears* Forbidden shadow wins. ──────────────────────────────────────── Ziggs 希格斯 選角 This'll be a blast! 攻擊 Lights out! / Take cover! / Bombs away! / Fire in the hole! / It's gonna blow! Fuses burning, fuses burning! / Explosions first, questions later. 移動 Right-o. / I'm going, I'm going. / Let's blow this joint. Anyone got a match? / Don't worry, I got this. Hey, where'd that bomb go? / Impatient? I'm not impatient. Come on, come on, come on! / What do you mean this doesn't look safe?                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 I'll take this one and this one and throw it in your face! I like my enemies like I like my bombs: about to explode. 笑話 You wanna see how to disarm a bomb? (eats a bomb) Come on! Does this look dangerous to you? (eats a bomb) 即刻爆發(被動)就緒時隨機出現 Come on! 施放煉獄炸彈(R) Incoming! / Yeee-Haaa! /Oh! Look out below! I'll bring the Big One! / (Laughs) ──────────────────────────────────────── Zilean 極靈 選角 I knew you would do that... 移動 / 攻擊 Already there. / Make haste! / Time is wasting. / All in good time. Inevitably. / Yes? / The way is always the same. 嘲諷 I've seen your death, it was painful... 笑話 Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like banana. ──────────────────────────────────────── Zyra 枷蘿 選角 Feel the thorns' embrace. 攻擊 Choke the life from them. / None will escape my grasp. My prey thinks itself clever. / What lurks beneath the soil? The harvest is upon us. / Death is in bloom. 移動 Wait until my seeds take root. / Venture off the beaten path. Come closer. / Things aren't always what they seem. Just a harmless flower. / The forests hold many surprises. Take careful steps. / A promising garden. / Such a busy world.                  ↓ 接下頁 ↓ ────────────────────────────────────────                  ↑ 接上頁 ↑ 嘲諷 No place is safe while I'm free. / This land is mine! 笑話 Where are your friends? Mine are all around. Our seasons are reversed: my spring, your fall. 施放狂暴蔓延(W) Live! / Just wait. / Be ready. / Soon. 長出植物時 Barbs! / Lash! / Cry out! / Whip vine! ──────────────────────────────────────── -- When my friends see my ELO… --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
3F:推 justdoit1357:推 07/01 20:36
4F:推 ronlai :未看先推.. 07/01 20:36
5F:推 attacksoil :.... 先推 07/01 20:37
6F:推 angie1704 :推!! 07/01 20:37
7F:推 artz6030 :END 然後推 07/01 20:38
8F:推 jonothan :這一篇文章值 1000 Ptt幣 LOL 07/01 20:39
其實我利用 PTT 的暫存檔功能,花了幾天在用這個, 但是昨天知道暫存檔賺不到錢後,就故意留了一半左右今天用完。 XDDDD
9F:推 KKsnow :這如果是國高中英文課本的內容 相信有助提升台灣英文 07/01 20:40
10F:→ smallcoll :貓貓來 給獎品~ 07/01 20:40
11F:→ KKsnow :全民水準!! 誰來一人一信教育部!!! 07/01 20:40
12F:推 jerry50411 :不推不行 07/01 20:40
13F:→ rantea7m :\感謝貓大整理/ 07/01 20:41
14F:推 logspiderman:好精美 07/01 20:41
15F:推 linceass :158頁............ 07/01 20:44
16F:推 snowycat :牛: You can't milk those. 07/01 20:44
17F:推 spipipi :good!! 07/01 20:44
18F:推 Suwasayo :HS is an i........ 07/01 20:45
19F:推 donvito :OK! 07/01 20:47
20F:→ kurtsun :強大!! 07/01 20:47
21F:推 brian80122 :推 07/01 20:48
22F:推 mion0723 :The host always win ~~ 07/01 20:48
23F:推 lcomicer :感謝整理! 07/01 20:49
24F:推 samhou6 :先推 07/01 20:49
25F:→ mion0723 :不是house 吧 ... 房子永遠贏 好像怪怪的 07/01 20:49
26F:→ mion0723 :131頁 07/01 20:50
27F:→ linfox :house, 莊家 07/01 20:50
做莊有做莊的好處~ A___A
28F:→ mion0723 :喔喔... 我沒接觸不太懂XD... 我都聽成host 07/01 20:50
29F:→ smallcoll :我這又沒哈下你怎麼抱 =.,= 07/01 20:52
30F:→ smallcoll :還有最高也就1000p啦,不如分兩篇賺 XD 07/01 20:53
我知道最高就 1000p,但還是覺得一篇比較方便查詢,重點是這樣爽度很高啊!!! lol
31F:推 hunej :我居然看完惹 07/01 20:55
32F:推 ntcpe27 :排版推! 07/01 20:55
33F:推 chrisvzxs :感謝推 07/01 20:56
34F:推 Xargon :好強喔 07/01 20:58
35F:推 keynes0420 :太強大了QQ 07/01 20:59
36F:推 gagabrit :貓大推 07/01 20:59
37F:推 willy14 :猛 07/01 20:59
38F:→ gcobc12632 :脈衝EZ佔最多頁 OP 07/01 21:00
39F:推 ching7896 :推 07/01 21:00
40F:推 cbull :推 07/01 21:02
41F:推 molukino :推 07/01 21:03
42F:推 kning :推 07/01 21:06
43F:推 yeaaah :讚 07/01 21:08
44F:推 ailanous :原來達瑞文可以接對面達瑞文的斧頭?!!!?!?! 07/01 21:08
我整理到 Draven 那邊也有發現… 不過我記得之前有人說 J4 的旗也可以互用, 所以 Draven 的斧可以互接好像也蠻合理的。 XDD
45F:推 togepy1205 :太用心啦!!!!推 07/01 21:09
46F:推 bluexiaomi :幹 根本神 推!!!! 07/01 21:09
47F:推 reallove :達瑞文可以搶斧頭 XDDDD 07/01 21:10
48F:推 hiwaid :神! 07/01 21:13
49F:推 Jefa910 :我在阿離對面永遠都是站起來的 07/01 21:13
50F:推 johnnyjaiu :Welcome to league of cat 07/01 21:13
51F:推 JPIGHEAD :那OLAF可以檢對面的斧頭嗎? 07/01 21:16
52F:推 jesse090828 :PUSH 07/01 21:18
53F:推 joycleric :推推 07/01 21:18
54F:推 kylestyle :推 07/01 21:19
55F:推 gox1117 :\推倒貓大/ 07/01 21:20
56F:推 twchhmcs36 :156頁... 快推 07/01 21:25
57F:推 Ntustkid :太猛 07/01 21:25
58F:推 Blitzcrank :貓大也要變軟體了嗎 07/01 21:26
整理軟體?翻譯軟體? w
59F:推 Jarvan4 :貓大 >/////////////////////////< 07/01 21:26
60F:推 Xargon :HSGG丟的貝咖熊接 07/01 21:30
61F:推 Rahthur :不得不推 看對話超有趣 07/01 21:30
62F:推 a654 :貝咖熊超正 07/01 21:32
63F:推 amerei : 07/01 21:34
64F:推 abab7974 :不得不推 07/01 21:34
65F:推 KKsnow :HSGG表示:熊與貓 兩者不可兼得也... 07/01 21:35
66F:推 howar31 :貓大是...軟..軟體? 07/01 21:37
67F:推 lee79114 :推 07/01 21:37
68F:推 kennyru04wj4:好神 07/01 21:37
69F:推 rinamami :這貓...有點神>///< 07/01 21:39
70F:推 hardyuse :126頁 超強 07/01 21:41
71F:→ hardyuse : 5 07/01 21:42
72F:推 Blitzcrank :軟體必推 07/01 21:42
73F:推 momomiya :貓貓好用心 獎品就是一個米雅吻 啾咪 07/01 21:44
啾咪~ ^.<
74F:推 NeVerEnouGh :推用心 07/01 21:45
75F:推 GXIII :歡迎接下無盡的任務 請隨時繼續更新 07/01 21:51
76F:推 hj8246 :推推推推推 07/01 21:52
77F:推 tp950016 :專業推!!! 07/01 21:52
78F:推 rinamami :一人一推支持貓大變看板娘XD 07/01 21:55
79F:推 eternalwrath:\0.0/ 辛苦了 07/01 21:56
80F:推 a932l41l4 :太屌了 推 07/01 21:57
81F:推 gladiatusman:推! 07/01 21:59
82F:推 Blitzcrank :看板娘不是美咪嗎 07/01 22:07
83F:推 skyjazz :Death is only the beginning.只有我覺得這很霸氣嗎 07/01 22:08
84F:推 rinamami :我可以接受兩位看板娘XD 07/01 22:08
85F:推 a6021314 :Annie有重複的喔~ 07/01 22:10
已修正,感恩。 :)
86F:推 peng0319 :用心推! 07/01 22:15
87F:推 a3329 :推阿 真用心!!! 07/01 22:25
88F:推 KKsnow :約瑞科的語音 真的都超陰森的 "XDDD 07/01 22:27
89F:推 a29788685 : !! 07/01 22:30
90F:推 worshipA :推推推 07/01 22:38
91F:推 aegisty :猛喔 07/01 22:42
92F:推 bigbearlazir:屌哥 07/01 22:47
93F:推 RyomaTaco :太強了 07/01 22:50
94F:推 chinagogoya :excellent 07/01 22:51
95F:推 Apoint :辛苦了~! 07/01 22:52
96F:推 kindless :屌 07/01 22:57
97F:推 flowergone :整理推! 07/01 23:09
98F:推 a12569 :太強大哦!!! 07/01 23:20
99F:推 joey19870429:阿璃:"要這樣嗎?""讓我來吧" 怎麼辦好想買一隻回家 07/01 23:24
100F:推 eetspyler :用心推 07/01 23:35
101F:推 ghhallio :推 07/01 23:35
102F:推 mynthu :有些笑話真的不錯..... 07/01 23:35
在整理的過程中發現了很多有趣的台詞,真的還蠻好玩的。 :D
103F:推 docoke :推一個 07/01 23:37
104F:推 bowcar :推整理 07/01 23:46
105F:推 cleansing010:屌 07/01 23:46
106F:推 yuran :推 話說EVE的笑話也太貼切了 07/01 23:51
107F:推 shujadzia :貓大OP!! 07/01 23:53
108F:推 loverey :用心推 太強大了! 07/01 23:58
109F:推 ccdd2468 :本篇 1000元 ! 07/02 00:15
110F:推 carlos101 :push 很完整 07/02 00:35
111F:推 mimipig : 07/02 00:48
112F:推 ji394284s93 :好猛XD 07/02 00:55
113F:推 oligoisgood :推阿!!! 07/02 00:55
114F:推 FireJ :用心推 07/02 00:59
115F:推 bcatw763 :Skar-skar-SKARNER! 這句真的有碰過一次 07/02 01:03
116F:→ bcatw763 :SKARNER<3 07/02 01:04
據說是學神奇寶貝的,像是皮卡丘會叫皮卡皮卡那樣。 XD
117F:推 mion0723 :Make no mistakes. -Darius 是甚麼意思? 不太懂 07/02 02:18
118F:推 jerrymomo :我一直以為斯溫是Got 原來是guts~_~ 07/02 02:28
119F:→ Blitzcrank :原句是gets 但是他改成guts, guts不知道是啥意思? 07/02 02:40
120F:推 joey19870429:應該就是捏神奇寶貝吧XD 野生的史加納出現了! 07/02 02:42
121F:→ Blitzcrank :狠鳥先飛早吃蟲 巴哈那篇的翻譯 07/02 02:42
122F:→ Blitzcrank :早起的鳥兒...把蟲開腸破肚。 安薩的翻譯 07/02 02:43
123F:→ Blitzcrank :個人猜測安薩的比較正確 07/02 02:44
Gut 除了可以用來當名詞(像一般常說的有尬子),也可以當動詞, 而動詞有「取出內臟」之意,所以安薩才會那樣翻吧。 簡單來說,The early bird guts the worm 的意思就是早起的鳥兒有蟲吃啦~
124F:推 apley :EVE:I may be bad, but I feel good...另一個意義上 07/02 03:26
125F:→ apley :來說還真的是BAD, 然後自我感覺良好GOOD XDDD 07/02 03:26
126F:推 liang11225 :推推禿推推推Y 07/02 06:56
127F:推 JackysNose :推 這樣以後就可以噓這種月經文了 07/02 13:17
128F:→ JackysNose : ==== Javan IV 放競技場 還有 For the king!!! ==== 07/02 13:28
我好像有印象有人說過,不過 wiki 的資料裡沒有,所以就沒有加上囉~
129F:推 kurapica1106:太猛了 07/02 14:37
130F:推 DarkMooon :太op了~ 07/02 17:02
131F:推 Ekmund :156頁... 07/02 20:05
132F:推 a22122212 :太猛了............. 07/03 05:57
133F:推 aowater :赫克林好像還有句(Move it!),等會去確認一下 07/03 10:10
134F:推 aowater :應該是我搞錯了- -" 07/03 11:13
135F:推 tp950016 :有更新!!! 敬禮(  ̄□ ̄)/ <( ̄ㄧ ̄ ) <( ̄ㄧ ̄ ) 08/18 15:12
136F:推 hatai :感謝整理@w@!!! 11/09 23:19
137F:推 hardyuse :推更新!我在想把這篇放在英雄小知識會不會怪怪的XD 11/24 18:22
138F:→ hardyuse :想弄個中文翻譯版 不過光想到100隻英雄就懶了..orz 11/24 18:23
其實真要翻譯,想翻得好是蠻有難度的, 因為有許多台詞是有特殊意義或暗喻的, 像之前板上討論的光是笑話埋的梗就超多的。 XD
139F:推 WDlouis215 :nunu和酒桶是不是都有一句很像中文的啊? 11/28 20:39
140F:→ WDlouis215 :nunu會說"謝謝你" 然後雪人會"huhuhuhu" 11/28 20:40
141F:→ WDlouis215 :酒桶會說一句"這~樣~不~行~" 11/28 20:40
142F:→ WDlouis215 :酒桶的我打錯了 是"降~也~不~行~" 12/04 20:17
更新至 Nami(娜米)。 ※ 編輯: cat0405 來自: (12/15 03:00) 想更新 Vi(菲艾)的時候發現爆炸了,已經超過文章可容納的行數。 ww 決定比照特價記錄(#1GiV2o1h)用 Google 文件整理,敬請期待。(?) ※ 編輯: cat0405 來自: (01/03 01:10)
143F:推 wu6wu6 :耶謝貓大超期待!!! 02/03 17:59
144F:→ bluefish520 : 09/07 09:23
145F:推 paul26277 :期待... 03/01 22:33

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icon.pngRe: [無言] 關於小包衛生紙
icon.png[開箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 簡單測試
icon.png[心得] 蒼の海賊龍 地獄 執行者16PT
icon.png[售車] 1999年Virage iO 1.8EXi
icon.png[心得] 挑戰33 LV10 獅子座pt solo
icon.png[閒聊] 手把手教你不被桶之新手主購教學
icon.png[分享] Civic Type R 量產版官方照無預警流出
icon.png[售車] Golf 4 2.0 銀色 自排
icon.png[出售] Graco提籃汽座(有底座)2000元誠可議
icon.png[問題] 請問補牙材質掉了還能再補嗎?(台中半年內
icon.png[問題] 44th 單曲 生寫竟然都給重複的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 華南紅卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[問題] 拔牙矯正這樣正常嗎
icon.png[贈送] 老莫高業 初業 102年版
icon.png[情報] 三大行動支付 本季掀戰火
icon.png[寶寶] 博客來Amos水蠟筆5/1特價五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鮮人一些面試分享
icon.png[心得] 蒼の海賊龍 地獄 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [閒聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二創漫畫翻譯
icon.pngRe: [閒聊] OGN中場影片:失蹤人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[問題] 台灣大哥大4G訊號差
icon.png[出售] [全國]全新千尋侘草LED燈, 水草
