大家好,我是SK2衝刺班口說顧問Li-Yi 獨立題內容覺得難以發想嗎? 以下跟大家分享我2/25考試30分的獨立題音檔與逐字稿 並且簡單分析一下我是怎麼做到的 題目:(大概是)學生要玩課外活動還是專心讀書(亙古的難題) 我的回憶音檔: 逐字稿: Well, I totally agree that students should participate in a lot of extracurricular activities instead of just focusing on their studies because it can help them make more friends. For example, I remembered right after I got into college, I did not participate in any club activities whatsoever. All I did was studying all day long, so life was pretty boring, and I was super lonely. However, after I joined the Classical Guitar Club, everything changed. There, I met a lot of people who shared the same passion about the classical guitar. We would practice together, we would analyze the score together, we would go to concerts together, we would talk about music all day long. So, after just spending a lot of time together, we became very good friends. So, life was never dull again. 以上應該都是國中單字以內 用Hemingway app測試大概也在美國學生8-9年級,為什麼能得到高分呢? 因為這樣的內容已經有符合Grading rubrics裡面要求的Topic development要求 Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or there is a clear progression of ideas) 假設你還執著於內容要更好,就不需要了 至於language use方面,滿分rubrics的敘述是 The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systematic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning 這裡所謂的complex structure,可以把他理解成一方面是比較長的句構.和短的交錯使用 這裡其實有兩個小錯,也是沒問題的 passio about=>passion for all I did was studying=>all I did was study (倒裝) Delivery方面,這篇是136 words=>約 181 wpm 我為什麼highlight出來速度呢? 雖說speechrater是把speaking rate當作是fluency下面的一個子項目之一 但我認為,他的影響力可能實際上更大 因為能夠到這個語速,代表Delivery其他面向的問題就不大 Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect overall intelligibility. 至於大家在乎的卡頓、改字,影響多大呢? 我只能說,我個人4/21實測的結果(yah,再實驗性質的考了一次), 只要上了這個速度, 每題都卡頓1-2次、改字,內容再更混亂一點 還是可以30 所以總而言之,一快遮三醜(? ========================== 當然,能做到快又要相對維持正確度要怎麼做? 我個人認為,獨立題相對是簡單的.因為你可以用Word Bank不變應萬變, 並且針對常用句型練到滾瓜爛熟<--這個大家真的少練了 具體怎麼操作,歡迎報名我5/4 10:00的公開課XD 上次4/21來過公開課的同學,我這次會用不同的題目 並且帶大家操作這些常用句型 上課日期:5/4(六)10:00-12:00 上課地點:捷運大安站11樓中央教室 上課講者:Rosa & Li-Yi顧問 上課內容:衝刺班講座:新制托福寫作+口說關鍵秘密公開課 快速報名連結: 我記得幾年前考口說時,不時還是會掉到29分的情況 內容沒有比較差,甚至可能更好,但是語速大概在130-140之間而已 但自從看了speech rater相關論文和國外幾家老師的討論 改採提高速度的策略,就(至少這兩次)consistently在30 對於其實內容文法都OK、但分數總是上不去的人,非常推薦 有什麼問題,公開課相見,知無不言!(菸) =============================== SK2 TOEFL #最多破百高分同學 #作文無限次改到飽 #終生無限次顧問時間、助教讀書會 加入托福高分破100、破110 人數最多的SK2 TOEFL 臉書: 加入GRE 高分人數全台北第一的 Mason GRE臉書,了解最新GRE資訊: --
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