dog 板


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前言 當您的視線離開小狗一段時間或外出返家時,家中亂成一團的景像是很多主人共同的經驗。 鞋、襪、窗廉、電話線、桌腳、玻璃杯盤、腳踏墊等各式家具用品無一倖免,當然這是您家 小狗的傑作。氣憤之餘,小狗不免遭到一陣叫罵甚至毒打,不幸地,這種狀況常不斷重演, 也逼得畜主神經衰弱甚至由愛生恨地把小狗趕出家門,沒錯,這就是典型小狗亂咬所產生的 困擾。 首先我們必須心平氣和地分析這個問題,才能尋求破解之道。小狗啃咬的行為其實在一個月 大之後就開始了,牠們會先從舔咬自己的手腳開始,進而咬同伴的耳朵、尾巴、四肢,漸漸 地,周圍的物品也會成為牠們啃咬的對像。剛開始也許您覺得牠們的舉動很有趣,之後您開 始覺得不耐煩,直到有一天牠們闖了大禍,小狗亂咬的問題於焉浮上檯面。 其實小狗咬東咬西是正常的行為表現,只是因為不小心咬了人們認為不應咬的東西罷了。小 狗亂咬東西,有人認為是牠們社會化過程的具體表現藉以累積生活經驗,有人認為這是小狗 精力旺盛之餘發洩的方式,也有人認為這是小狗換牙階段的過渡期。不論如何,以人們的觀 點而言,亂咬就是亂咬,不行就是不行,非得糾正牠不可。 首先您可以替牠們準備一個或兩個不易咬壞的玩具,並讓牠們習慣且擁有屬於牠們的東西。 玩具以塑膠或橡皮且可清洗的材質最好,其他如大豬骨或牛皮骨則不妥(易因細菌污染造成 下痢),有些主人為了寵愛小狗而買了大堆玩具,這樣容易造成反效果,因為太多玩具會使 小狗無法辨認什麼可咬什麼不可咬。 其次,您最好將物品收拾妥善,避免引誘犯罪,尤其當您外出時,最好限制牠們的活動區域 ,讓牠們在能力所及之處,只留下玩具作為牠們唯一的摧殘目標。小狗通常在一歲以後,身 心發育逐漸成熟,亂咬的舉動也會自然減少。 有一點必須注意,當您回家後發現牠們大肆破壞的慘況時,不管是基於氣憤或調教的出發點 ,所作出的任何懲處都是無效的,因為小狗不會明白為什麼遭受主人的修理,只會徒然增加 小狗的身心負擔。不過,若是狗贓俱穫的立即懲處,倒是滿有嚇阻效果的。此外,為了必免 小狗因渾身精力旺盛無從發洩,常帶牠們出去跑跑跳跳則是您的義務也是小狗應享的福利。 狗狗亂咬東西的行為 狗狗用口就像人類用手,狗狗用口咬東西來解除無聊和緊張,人類則是用手,狗狗也用口來 吃東西和作防禦,狗狗咬時也會有快感,所以狗狗或多或少都會咬,可是他又分不出來那個 是玩具那個是家具,只要能咬而且咬的到,他一定不會放過,狗狗為何會咬? 1. 當狗狗長牙齒的時候特別喜歡咬,就像嬰兒有東西就往嘴巴送一樣,長牙時牙齦有東西 咬也會比較舒服。(狗長牙約在九月齡前結束) 2. 一些疾病可使狗狗喜歡咬,甚至於破壞性的咬,胃腸障礙、牙齒牙齦疾病、吃了草、樹 枝、毛髮,電線等,會刺激胃腸道而引起狗狗的亂咬。 3. 焦慮不安也會促使狗狗亂咬,有些人緊張焦慮時會咬指甲或抽煙或喝酒來解除它,狗狗 會用吠、無目的走動和咬東西來排除,有分離性的焦慮,怕閃電,無聊,長期被關也都 會引起狗狗亂咬。 甚麼令一隻小狗焦慮? Ø 被威脅(狗或人) Ø 環境中充滿暴力、憤怒、侵略性 Ø 愚笨之主人,經常以強迫性使狗兒做一些事,如強拉拖帶要他前行 Ø 每天接受太高要求的訓練或日常生活 Ø 幼犬進行太多運動 Ø 太少運動及遊戲 Ø 肚餓、口渴 Ø 要上廁所時無法實現 Ø 太冷或太熱 Ø 痛楚或染病 Ø 太吵 Ø 被迫獨處 Ø 突發的可怕情況 Ø 經常被受打擾 Ø 突然的轉變 4. 不適當的處罰也會激發狗狗亂咬東西,特別是當主人出外回來,看見狗狗把家裏搞得亂 七八糟或是大小便,就大聲罵甚至打,狗狗有非常好的生理時鐘,當飼主回來就會打罵 ,這樣幾次後他就會習慣,狗狗就會有主人回來前的焦慮,當主人回家前,他已經亂咬 東西破壞給你看,這樣惡性循環,沒完沒了。 治療亂咬東西的惡習有三步驟 1. 解除可能引起亂咬的原因。 2. 誘導他去咬該咬的東西例如玩具、人造骨頭等。 3. 防止他去咬不該咬的東西。 狗狗有胃腸疾病、牙齒牙齦的病應找醫師治療,克服狗狗的分離性焦慮,所謂分離性焦慮是 當你準備出門他會焦慮不安,離開時他會哀鳴、怒吼、吠叫,不在時東西被咬的亂七八糟, 你回到家會像跟屁蟲一樣,走到那裡跟到那裡。 要狗狗不咬東西實在是困難的事,重點在於讓狗狗咬他的玩具而不是家具或你的東西,你必 須找出他喜歡咬的玩具,多買幾種不同的玩具,找出喜歡的類型後就多買那類的玩具,在玩 具上抹上他喜歡食物的味道,鼓勵他去咬他的玩具,每次他咬自己的玩具時就讚美他,不要 以自己不要的鞋子或衣服或襪子之類的東西當狗狗的玩具,這樣會讓狗狗以為那些東西是可 以咬的,狗狗自由活動時應把會被咬的東西收拾乾淨,讓他咬不到,無法收拾或不想收拾的 東西可以噴他不喜歡的氣味在上面,辣的辣椒、苦的柚子皮汁或東西、酸的檸檬或醋,總之 ,你想的出來而沒有毒的都可以,千萬別噴有毒的東西在上面,記的把他喜歡的玩具隨時放 他身邊,在尚未確定狗狗不會亂咬東西時,飼主應該時時監視,如果看到他咬不該咬的東西 就要嚴厲即時的制止,千萬別咬後再制止,在無法監視狗狗的行動時應把狗狗關起來或隔離 。每天帶狗狗出去運動消耗他的體力也是防止他亂咬的方式之一,以上簡述提供作參考。 ================================================================================ 分離焦慮症 分離焦慮症是一種很重要的問題行為,能造成寵物與飼主雙方情緒上極大的苦惱。分離焦慮 症會發生在任何年齡或飼養中的任何時期,這也是飼主會將狗兒安樂死或丟棄的最普遍原因 之一。 分離焦慮症的徵兆? 有分離焦慮症的狗兒在與主人分開時會變得異常憂鬱。每隻狗兒表現出來的行為可能有所不 同,有的狗兒只要主人不在視線範圍內,就變得焦慮,所以他們會亦步亦趨地跟在主人身邊 。有的狗兒可以忍受自己待在房間裡,但牠們會經常地去檢視主人是不是還在家裡,然後才 能安心地去別的地方玩玩具或啃骨頭。有的狗兒是飼主離開家裡才會變得焦慮,也有的狗兒 在飼主剛離開家時,還可以獨處一陣子,但如果飼主離開的時間變長,牠們就開始焦慮。這 種焦慮隨著主人外出時間的延長而增加,表現出來的行為會有:哀泣、踱步、流口水、吠叫 、咆哮、過動、搔抓、咀嚼、挖掘、亂尿、食糞、和破壞主人的東西或傢俱等。有分離焦慮 症的狗兒往往會有上述不止一種的行為同時出現,更嚴重時,有時甚至會有自殘的舉動或破 壞門窗跳出去的行為出現。有分離焦慮症的狗兒通常在主人回到家裡時,也會表現得異常興 奮,牠們會嗚嗚叫、跳起來撲人、轉圈圈且持續一段異常長的時間,甚至主人可能只離開家 裡幾分鐘的時間回來,牠們也會表現得如此異常興奮。 如何導致分離焦慮症? 目前尚無法得知確實的原因。不論家裡只有一隻寵物或有很多隻寵物,分離焦慮症都有可能 會發生。在年幼時期沒有良好的社會化,也就是與人類或其他狗狗沒有良好互動的狗狗,發 生分離焦慮症的風險就會增加。飼主工作時間改變、搬家也有可能形成分離焦慮症的原因。 也有些狗狗是在年紀漸長後慢慢形成的。如果您的狗狗有分離焦慮症的行為出現,您一定要 明白狗狗的這些行為是因為焦慮而產生,責罵或處罰只會讓狗狗更困擾、更憂慮及更糟的行 為。有專家使用攝錄影機觀察那些曾經因為搞破壞而被處罰的狗狗,牠們在主人正常會回來 的時間前,焦慮的程度更為增加,那不是因為牠在憂慮一個人獨處,而是在憂慮主人回來後 會得到的處罰。 如果我的狗狗有分離焦慮症,我該怎麼辦? 如果您覺得您的狗狗得了分離焦慮症,第一步就是帶去獸醫院做一個健康檢查並和獸醫師說 明牠的狀況。這是要確認您的狗狗的行為真的是因為分離焦慮症而不是因為其他的原因,例 如亂尿尿有可能是因為泌尿道感染的問題,狗狗會吠叫可能只是因為牠聽到有另外一隻狗等 等。獸醫師會建議您做一個體檢來確定狗狗沒有潛在的疾病造成狗狗這樣的行為,體檢包括 血液檢查和尿液檢查,這些檢驗對醫師在用藥前先確定狗狗的健康狀態非常重要,同時也要 讓醫師知道狗狗目前有沒有服用什麼其他的藥物或是之前有什麼健康上的問題。 如何治療分離焦慮症? 治療分離焦慮症最有效的方法通常是行為矯正和抗憂鬱藥物雙管齊下,二者對治療都是很重 要的一環,只用其中一種方法往往不能達到成效。因為藥物能夠讓狗狗放鬆心情專注在行為 矯正的練習上,行為矯正的練習才能真正幫助狗兒改變牠們的行為。 藥物治療: 藥物的治療一定要在醫師的指示下用藥,而且要有耐心地長期給狗狗服用。 行為矯正: 行為矯正同樣需要持續一段時間,可能數週或數月之久。這些矯正需要專家的協助,或有些 您可以自己在家做,幫助狗兒減輕牠們的焦慮,例如: 1.Stay的訓練,可以教導狗兒放鬆心情,如果您可以教導狗兒一段時間的Stay,您不在的時 候,牠會比較學著如何放鬆心情。 2.從非常短暫的離開開始,例如您知道如果您出去10秒鐘,牠就會開始焦慮,那麼就從離開 5秒開始,回來後如果狗兒表現得很平靜,就給個獎賞,這樣漸漸拉長時間,只要每次都 在狗兒開始焦慮前回來,表現好就給獎賞。可能需要持續數週或數月,所以耐心很重要。 3.確定您離開家後,狗兒待的環境是舒適的,例如正常的溫度、舒適的床墊、充足的光線等 等,有些狗兒如果可以看到外面的狀況,會比較沒那麼焦慮,但有些則相反。有些狗狗被 留在室外就會比較焦慮,讓牠進室內則好多了。有些狗狗給牠一個抗憂鬱的玩具,牠就會 專注在那個玩具上而忽略您的離開。 4.年紀大的狗,可能需要更多次出外上廁所的時間,所以如果您會長時間不在家,找人帶狗 狗出外散步和尿尿,也可減輕牠們的焦慮。 5.狗狗有生理時鐘,知道何時牠又要被單獨留在家中,就開始憂慮了,偶爾改變一下您的作 息,讓牠搞不太清楚什麼時間牠會被留下。 6.增加運動量可減緩狗兒的焦慮,專家建議一天有二次45至60分鐘的散步。 7.有些狗本來就是工作犬,所以可以訓練牠做一些工作,當牠在工作時,就會專注在工作 上不想其他的。 結論 狗狗有分離焦慮症不論是對您或對狗狗都是一件令人沮喪且困擾的事,只要有耐心和適當的 處理是可以治癒的,千萬不要處罰牠,也不要放棄牠。 ================================================================================ Separation Anxiety Katharine Hillestad, DVM Drs. Foster & Smith Veterinary Services Department Separation anxiety is an important behavioral problem, which can cause tremendous emotional distress for both dogs and owners. It can occur in dogs of any age or breed, and is one of the most common reasons for pet owners to euthanize or give up their dogs. What are the signs of separation anxiety? A dog with separation anxiety becomes abnormally anxious when separated from his owner. The severity of the anxiety and the behaviors that the dog exhibits vary from individual to individual. Some dogs become anxious if they cannot actually see their owner; they constantly follow the owner from room to room. Other dogs can tolerate being alone in a room but will check frequently to reassure themselves that the owner is still in the house, and then go back to playing or chewing on a bone in another area. Still other dogs do not become anxious until the owner actually leaves the home. Some dogs become most anxious as soon as the owner leaves, and other dogs have a period of time during which they are comfortable alone, but they become anxious if the owner is gone for an extended period. This anxiety often increases the longer the owner is gone, and can result in behaviors such as whining, pacing, salivation, barking, howling, hyperactivity, scratching, chewing, digging, urinating or defecating, and destruction of personal items or household objects. Dogs with separation anxiety often exhibit more than one of these behaviors. Dogs have been known to break their teeth and tear their nails and skin trying to get out of crates, and to destroy doors, and jump through windows as their anxiety increases. Dogs with separation anxiety also often have an overly excited response when their owner returns home. They may whine, jump, or run in circles. This behavior may go on for an abnormal length of time after the owner gets home, and the dog will have the same extreme response even if the owner has only been gone for a few minutes. What causes separation anxiety? No one knows, for certain, why some dogs develop separation anxiety and others do not. Separation anxiety can occur in animals from multiple or single-pet homes. Separation anxiety may be more likely to occur in animals with a history of abuse or of multiple homes. Dogs that have missed out on normal social interaction with people or other animals, especially as puppies, may also be at increased risk. A dog that has never had a prior problem may develop separation anxiety when there is a change in the owner's work schedule, or after the household has moved to a new home. Some dogs may develop separation anxiety as they grow older. It is important for owners of dogs with separation anxiety to understand that the inappropriate behavior the dog is exhibiting is due to anxiety, and not because the dog is angry or trying to 'get back' at the owner. Scolding or punishing the dog will only lead to confusion, more anxiety, and worse behavior. By videotaping some dogs whose owners have punished the dog for his destructive behavior, they have demonstrated that the dog's anxiety level increases just before the owner would normally come home. In these cases, behaviorists feel the dog's problem behavior is not due to anxiety about being alone, but because the dog is anxious about the probable punishment it will receive when the owner returns. What should I do if I suspect my dog has separation anxiety? If you feel your dog has separation anxiety, the first step is to discuss the situation with your veterinarian and have the dog undergo a complete physical examination. It is important to make sure that your dog's behavior is truly due to separation anxiety and not to something else. (For instance, inappropriate urination may occur if your dog was never actually fully housetrained, or if he has a urinary tract infection. A dog may bark when alone because he feels he is protecting his property, or because he can hear another dog.) Your veterinarian may recommend some testing to make sure your dog does not have any underlying medical problems, which could contribute to behavior problems or make them worse. Tests may include a complete blood count, a chemistry profile, urinalysis, thyroid testing, a blood pressure check, and an ECG. These tests will also be important to verify the health status of your dog prior to being placed on any medication. Be sure that your veterinarian is aware of any other medication your dog is already taking, and any previous health problems. How is separation anxiety treated? For dogs with separation anxiety, the most effective approach is usually a combination of behavior modification exercises and anti-anxiety medication. It is essential to realize that both medication and behavior modification exercises are important parts of therapy for dogs with separation anxiety. In most cases, using one component alone will not be sufficient to achieve success. The medication is used to help your dog relax so that she can concentrate on performing the behavior modification exercises; the exercises are what actually change the dog's response to a stressful situation, over time. Medications: Commonly used medications include clomipramine and amitriptyline, which can be prescribed by your veterinarian. Any anti-anxiety drug prescribed by your veterinarian needs to be given exactly as directed. Dogs with separation anxiety have a higher overall anxiety level, and drugs used as part of a treatment plan for separation anxiety need to be given regularly, not just when the dog seems anxious. Patience is important; it can take weeks to months for certain drugs to become effective. It is often necessary to try several drugs or combinations of drugs, to determine what will work best for an individual dog. Behavior modification: Your veterinarian may be able to give you help with the behavior modification exercises, or refer you to an experienced animal behaviorist or trainer in your area. For the best result, it is important that the person you work with has had experience working with dogs with separation anxiety. Behavior modification exercises must be done consistently (for weeks to months) to see results, and the exercises may need to be continued for life. For an idea of some basic things you can try at home to help your dog feel less anxious, see the section on lonely/anxious barkers in the article "Barking: A Common Behavior Problem." Another component of behavior modification that may help your dog to be less anxious is increased exercise. Exercise has mental as well as physical benefits for dogs. Veterinary behaviorists often recommend 45-60 minutes of intense activity twice a day. If your dog is a 'couch potato,' start out slow and build up the intensity and length of time over several weeks. If your dog has any health problems, check with your veterinarian before starting the exercise program. In addition to exercise, mental stimulation (playing fetch, working on commands, practicing agility exercises at home or in a class) is also important. Many types of dogs were originally bred to do a job, and they can become stressed without the mental activity they would normally use if they were "working." Conclusion Keep in mind that your dog does not have this problem behavior because he is mad at you or trying to 'get back' at you.Punishment, especially after the fact, will only be confusing and cause more anxiety. Always start with a visit to your veterinarian to rule out health problems. Separation anxiety can be a very frustrating and traumatic situation for both you and your dog, but with patience and proper treatment it can usually be dramatically improved. Reference: =============================================================================== 我的狗之前就是有分離焦慮症,這個疾病在治療上需要持續的耐心,我認為我的情況和原因 是因為環境的改變太大。它小時候是有我和另外三位室友照顧它,等於說,它隨時隨地都有 四個主人在身邊陪伴它。而後生活環境改變,它必須常常一隻狗留守在家,於是就產生出問 題,不過它是以不安的吠叫為主。在治療上就如同上述所說的,除了內科給藥外,必須長時 間的矯正,而且最好能請家人或是鄰居一起幫忙。 當然仿間也有許多訓練用書,有提到怎麼提升寵物對飼主的信心和服從心,也有許多訓練動 物留守的訓練,和如何防止它亂咬東西。如果是單純的亂咬東西,問題會很好解決,戴口罩 也不失為一個良好的方式之一。但如果是分離焦慮症,你應該先給予治療。 就如同人一樣,人也有這種疾病。在鬱期(depressive episode),患者會感到憂鬱,包括悶 悶不樂、傷心、提不起勁、悲痛等等、如果進入重鬱,也有可能感到失去生存的動力。鬱期 的行為視輕重程度(mild or moderate depression to severe depression)而定,包括不想 講話、睡眠時間變長、哭泣、自殺等等。同理心,當人有這樣的疾病存在時,我們應該給予 治療,而不是把他手腳綁起來不讓他自殺,或是限制它活動。 --
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