大家好,我是SK2衝刺班的口說顧問Li-Yi. 今天勞動節放假有一點空,想說來分享二月底時的高分範文做為大家參考 跨科代庖拋磚XD #學術討論寫作30分回憶文 題目約莫是: Should parents give their children allowance? 我的回憶答案如下(稍微修改免得我真實世界的叔叔看到誤會XD) I agree with Paul's idea that giving children allowance will harm their relationship with their parents eventually, and I would add that such kind of funds, especially without any obligation attached to them, will cause children to lose respect from other later on. For example, my uncle, a wealthy textile tycoon, gave his three daughters money every month when they were growing up. Since they didn’t have to do anything to earn the income, they spent it recklessly on expensive items such as Gucci bags and Rolex watches, without a sweat. Also, they never wanted to study or work hard at school or at work, for their wealth could get them anything. Moreover, they often made fun of those who worked relentlessly, saying that these folks did not know how to enjoy life. Because of their actions and attitudes, people hated being around these women and showed much distain when the three names were brought up in conversations. That’s why I truly believe that allowance from parents will hurt their young ones' images in the eyes of others, making 這裡大概是181字. 1.審題想點想細節過程其實跟口說獨立題是一樣。先想到從reputation切入,認為父母不要 隨便給小孩零用錢,例子中間要講到他們不知道付出努力、浪費.差別是我會把口說想到 的2個短句合併為complex sentence (有子句插入句子前中後後+連接詞)/compound sentence(用對等連接詞或連接副詞接起來) 2.我大約在1分鐘內想好,8分鐘寫.1分鐘檢查 3.寫的時候盡量避免重複字 4.多了一個making在結尾是因為我原本還想要說一下讓他們不受歡迎之類的, 把句型複雜度提升,但狗尾續貂,寫不完XD 所幸沒被扣分 5.其實我以前都寫得比較像口說回答,邏輯對,但並沒有把用字難度、重複度、 句構複雜度考慮進去,自從跟我的寫作同事Rosa和Chris請教好, 一舉30,真的非常感謝他們! 課日期:5/4(六)10:00-12:00 上課地點:捷運大安站11樓中央教室 上課講者:Rosa & Li-Yi顧問 上課內容:衝刺班講座:新制托福寫作+口說關鍵秘密公開課 快速報名連結: 有什麼問題,公開課相見,知無不言!! =============================== SK2 TOEFL #最多破百高分同學 #作文無限次改到飽 #終生無限次顧問時間、助教讀書會 加入托福高分破100、破110 人數最多的SK2 TOEFL 臉書: 加入GRE 高分人數全台北第一的 Mason GRE臉書,了解最新GRE資訊: --
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